Zaev’s right hand, mafioso Kocho Angjushev representing the Government led a small delegation of three officials and fourth rate American diplomat Matthew Palmer, assisted by 9 bodyguards as they attempted to make their way to Mechkin Kamen.
At first, the Macedonian public could not tell who the group was, with the exception of Angjushev who purposely kept a low profile, however once they found out… this happened:
Срдечен пречек и за Коче и за Палмер во #Крушево#ВолиГаНарод
— Tezë Miruşhe (@PravednaTavita) August 2, 2018
MINA finds Angjushev had cans of beer, coins thrown in his direction. An old lady spat towards Angjushev drawing a smirk from the American diplomat. The Yank wasn’t spared either, English sounding curses echoed in the background as well… The usual “F— you” filled the ether. Nothing like a good welcome!
Watch the flying beer bottle, captured in this video:
Лименки и шишиња кон делегацијата на СДСМ
За малку избегнат поголем инцидент на Мечкин Камен, откако насобраниот народ на Мечкин Камен по повод пролсавата за Илинден бурно реагираше на присуството на делегацијата на СДСМ предводена од Кочо Анѓушев и Дамјан Манчевски.РепортерБорислав СтоилковиќИнфомакс.мк
Posted by on Thursday, August 2, 2018