Baily orders Skopje police to practice “quick evacuation of US Embassy”


The members of the Ministry of Interior have been told to hold a joint emergency response exercise with the US Embassy in Skopje tomorrow. Since the exercise will be held in the embassy circle, the MoI informs the citizens that sirens can be heard for emergency and alarms, but not to be disturbed because it is part of the exercise.

The exercise activities will include intermittent closure of the streets and diversion of traffic near the US Embassy in the morning. The joint exercise will enable the Ministry of Interior and the US Embassy to more effectively co-ordinate the activities in the event of a state of emergency, where US Embassy staff needs to quickly depart the facility.

  • Its Just Me

    how frequently do we do these exercises, or only if there is an imminent threat?

    I guess the latter is true..

  • Legenda Patriot

    I think things are heating up. These bastards must be realising things are going to get ugly. Enough is enough. Time to get rid of the parasites and regain our country!

  • Its Just Me

    maybe we should also do a “pack & go” exercize..
    this really helps if there is a threat

  • Goran Stavreski

    I am sure they have intel something is up, no Embassy trains for “emergency evacuation” unless they know trouble is coming.
    Baily has backed terrorists so he knows things are not good, in general.