The Special Prosecutor’s Office said Thursday it has filed 17 indictments in 18 cases against 94 individuals and seven legal entities.
Special prosecutor Katica Janeva said they have solid evidence over serious abuse of institutional capacities by individuals and organized groups, abuse of office and violation of legal proceedings in public procurements.
There is no indictment in the “Talir” case over illegal financing of a political party, but the investigation will continue.
“The investigation in this case was opened a month ago, but the timeframe did not allow for completion of the procedure. A decision will be made after undertaking all actions in the investigation on this serious, big and complex case”, said Janeva.
Indictment has also not been filed for case “Tabla” (Board), involving a school principal who is suspected of making an illegal direct contract for the construction of a new village school avoiding the necessary tendering procedure. A decision would be made upon completion of the investigation.
“The case will be expanded and senior officials will be indicted”, added Janeva.
Two cases “Target” and “Tvrdina” (Fortress) over illegal surveillance of communications and destruction of surveillance equipment have been merged into one.
The SPO seeks detention for 18 individuals and precautionary measures against 47 persons.
The Office previously filed indictments in three other cases – over the illegal destruction of documents from the surveillance systems, violence in Centar municipality and “Transporter” case involving excessive payments for transportation of pupils in Bitola municipality. No charges were filed against the mayors of Strumica and Kumanovo who charged three times more than the mayor of Bitola for the same service!?
Prosecutor Janeva said 45 percent of the wiretapped conversations have been processed, whereas the remaining 55 percent are to be subject of SPO’s work in the coming period.
DUI has been left alone in all this, and Skopje media reports this is a reward for “playing ball” and entering a coalition with SDS, however previously were blackmailed to enter the coalition itself by the SPO team.
Janeva instructed to ignore end of mandate
“SPO’s mandate is five years and we will open investigative and pre-investigative procedures. We will hold discussions with institutions what would happen next, in case the law on the SPO is not amended or the timeframe for filing indictments that expires tomorrow is not extended”, said Janeva.
That’s actually not true, the SPO mandate ends on June 30th, and needs to be extended by all four signatories of the Przino Agreement.