Corrupt Court frees Zaev for taking a 200,000 euro bribe


For ten stolen jars of ajvar a Macedonian citizen received one and a half year prison sentence, but for a bribe of EUR 200,000, a politician is set free – this in a nut shell sums up the the kangaroo judiciary in Macedonia.
Corrupt Judge Darko Todorovski freed Zaev of the responsibility for taking a 200,000 euros bribe.

Although a footage released in public shows Zaev as a mayor of Strumica requesting the 200,000 euros with info where to bring them the judge in reading the verdict stated that he failed to prove that defendant Zaev did something illegal (no joke).

At the last hearing, the prosecutor Valentina Bislimovska asked for an amendment to the legal qualification of the indictment and instead of receiving a bribe, the defendant Zoran Zaev was sentenced for bribe request. The prosecutor for this criminal case asked the court to pronounce a convicting verdict, which, according to the law, is from one to five years in prison.

The presiding judge claimed he was confused whether Zaev requested 2 or 3 euros bribe per squared meter (the bribe was for a building permit). As a result, the judge alleged he had no other choice, but to free Zaev.

Meanwhile, just across the hallway, Gruevski faced off with judge Dobrila Kacarska, a friend of Zaev. She had already promised Zaev that Gruevski will receive a guilty verdict in the trial over a “purchase of bullet proof Mercedes” that Zaev, the Government and high ranking officials are using on daily basis. The prosecution has alleged there was no need for such a purchase, yet all witnesses brought by the prosecution sided with Gruevski and stated there was a major need for the purchase. Ironically, the UK PM Theresa May was also ferried around in that very Mercedes that Gruevski is on trial for.

  • Tony

    I hope one day we see these corrupt scum being dragged by their archillies tendons by tractors.

  • Legenda Patriot

    No that would too merciful! Boiled in oil……. slowly ……..they are nothing but disgusting bastards and parasites!

  • Its Just Me

    Such a free country, we must free everbody… especially the 27th April and MACEDONIA 🙂

  • Tony

    Also looks like we will be seeing rigged presidential elections.