While her country is self destructing with the speed of light, Deep State minion Kate Byrnes called on Macedonia to hold elections. The statement came as the leaders of the two main parties, Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Zaev were meeting to discuss a date for elections.
Macedonia needs an elected, fully functioning Government and Parliament to manage the many pressing challenges that will have longterm impact on the country’s future, including the response to the Covid-19 crisis and preparations for EU accession talks. As for the date of these elections, it should be determined in accordance with the laws and the Constitution of the country, Byrnes said.
Zaev demands elections as early as July 5, despite the total mishandling of the coronavirus epidemic, hoping that most citizens will stay away and that his SDSM party can score a better result in a low turnout elections. Mickoski and his VMRO-DPMNE party have proposed dates in August or September, when the epidemic would be hopefully put under control.