Denmark to block Macedonia’s accession in the EU, regardless of name change


Denmark has stated it is not ready at EU’s June summit to support the proposal of the European Commission to start membership negotiations for Macedonia and Albania.

“No, I can say with certainty I will not support that initiative. We should be honest about that issue,” said Danish Prime Minister Lars Rasmussen after EU’s summit in Sofia.

According to him, the EU should not repeat the previous mistakes, citing the decision to start negotiations with Turkey as a grave error.

With this attitude, Denmark virtually joined France and the Netherlands, who also expressed serious pushback to future EU expansion.
To Denmark, it doesn’t matter whether Macedonia changes its name, it has nothing to do with Copenhagen decision to block future EU enlargement.

At the moment, the official candidates for EU membership are Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Turkey, of which the last three have started the negotiations – Montenegro in 2012, Serbia two years later, Turkey in 2005, but in 2016 were suspended.

  • Its Just Me

    Lets not repeat the same mistake again..

    Sounds smart, since Macedonia is the same as Turkey, right? Same situation, same scenario?
    Or is the same as Bulgaria and Romania?
    Its not a mistake, and least – “the same” mistake

  • Tony

    That’s why we should be aligning ourselves with brothers Russia

  • Elena Opasini

    Fuck Denmark and the E U. Why is Macedonia even trying to get into this Anglo Fascist club anyway. Our rightful place is with other Slavic countries like Russia and Serbia who have the same values as we do. Europe is not what it used to be. Screw it, we don’t need to beg to get into bed with this rotten group. I’m fed up with Macedonia’s grovelling. Have some self respect Macedonia.

    • Legenda Patriot

      Well said! Could not agree more!

  • Its Just Me

    In my honest opinion, EU does not want to get any new members.. Not a single new country…
    It becomes more and more divided internally, you need to accept refugees to get money…. gravitates around separation…

    They just do not want to enlarge…

  • IK

    What the hell are you talking about? Macedonia today, Bulgaria yesteryear, exactly the same language, same culture, same names of people, robbed by the back-stabbing West of her ancient territories which included Aegean and Ochridska Macedonia for 1,300 years.

  • Wolf

    Well if Denmark is gona Block Macedonia, Than all this Name negotiation can STOP.
    Cant get in the EU. No change Name. Fair i reckon. Good on ya Denmark.