Dental technician appointed head of Geriatric hospital


The new director of Gerontology Institute “13 November” in Skopje is Salija Ljatif. The secretary of the Geriatrics, Fetije Sefer, confirmed that Ljatif is a dentist by profession, but said she was new at the job and doesn’t know what is going on.

The Ministry of Health, regarding the expertise of Ljatif to perform the post of director at a Geriatric institute, has not commented for the time being.

Unofficially, prior to this major promotion, Ljatif worked as a dental technician at night at the Polyclinic Bitpazar, and has no day-work experience with higher education, learns “Netpress”. Keep this in mind, even though she allegedly is a “dentist”, her boss at the Polyclinic Bitpazar felt she was best suited not as a dentist, but a dental technician working the night shift when there are zero clients.

Prior to this, Ljatif was involved in a Dutch&German financed NGO that worked on getting more Roma women in the medical field.


  • Its Just Me

    Maybe we should let the history professors run geriatry (if there will be no “history” thought in schools) or wil they run the Zoo and museums?
    Why dont we just run lottery for the open positions?

  • V.M.

    I like how she was not allowed to be a dentist, but a technician…. doubt she is an actual dentist, unless she bought her diploma in tetovo for 2k.