Did Jakimovski just admit there are 80 traitors in Parliament?


Jakomovski would know, one of his own MPs in Parliament switched sides and transferred to SDSM for few thousand euros.

“We need you to vote against the Referendum, but we need you to vote” <--- Zaev.

“They need you to vote because every vote “Against” will be turned into “For”. What crazy person asks you to vote against, but just need your attendance?” <--- Jakimovski.

Remember this? One of VMRO’s biggest backers during every election, the Skopje suburb of Aerodrom had all of the VMRO votes transferred in the “Others” category and then moved to SDSM…
And as Jakimovski explains below: votes from Karposh ended up in Veles, votes from Ohrid in Prilep… it’s going to be a mess. Huge Fraud coming.

Јакимовски со детали за фалсификатот на референдумот!

Стевчо Јакимовски објаснува како СДСМ планира да го фалсификува референдумот!

Posted by infomax.mk on Wednesday, September 26, 2018