DPMNE MPs marked Ilinden in Smilevo, Stojmirovo, Vladimirovo… see a pattern here?
In Smilevo, high ranking DPMNE MP and member of the executive committee Antonio Milososki claimed (he) and his party MPs were the true heirs of the VMRO revolutionaries!? Miloshoski delivered this statement from a hilltop in Smilevo, in front of no one and for no one.
should have climbed higher, why stop there…
At the same time, tatar imbecile Krasimir Karakacanov who in the past was too afraid to visit Macedonia, on August 2nd was in downtown Skopje in front of Alexander the Great statue giving interviews to BNT that Macedonia is now Bulgarian.
To summarize: we have a DPMNE idiot giving fake patriotic statements on a mountain top, while a tatar-mongol hybrid wearing a tie is claiming ownership of the country in the Macedonian capital!
This is how low the DMNE has sunk. Their level of cluelessness can be matched only by their robotic statements that they will work very hard for the people who removed them from power (US and NATO).
My question to Miloshoski is this: Do you actually have any clue who the real VMRO revolutionaries were and what they were doing? The fact that you, a sellout who is afraid of losing his US tourist visa, compares yourself to Macedonians who assassinated everyone both domestic and foreign who worked against the nation is truly disturbing.
Does Miloshoski understand that people will vote for DPMNE simply because they are the “lesser evil”. If your treason is subtle and not as open as the SDS, it’s still treason. Just like el presidente, whatever his name was.
Since DPMNE MP’s lack the courage to make fake patriotic statements in an actual town, I highly recommend Easter Island, the perfect place for Milososki and company to venture out, offers plenty of obscurity.