DPNE is proposing that early elections take place at the end of the summer. This is the safest date, according to the opposition party, that will allow citizens to be protected from the coronavirus, and to allow enough time for campaigning and organizing the elections.
Party leaders are meeting right now in the office of President Stevo Pendarovski, where the ruling SDSM party demands that elections take place in June or July – counting that low turnout as citizens are still worried about the virus bolster their electoral fortunes. SDSM is also worried that the economy will get even worse later in the year and the blame will fall on them, as well as that they may have to make additional, humiliating concessions on national identity issues to Bulgaria.
According to the DPNE, having in mind that a second wave of the epidemic is expected in late autumn or winter, late summer would be the best time to hold the elections with confident turnout that would return a legitimate Parliament, and have a new Government in place in time for the possible second wave.