DPNE VP Mitko Jancev: I stand with Zaev


For the past two years we’ve reported that starting in 2010, the DPNE was infiltrated by at least two dozen SDS officials who received high ranking roles in the DPNE.

We warned (directly) DPNE that Nikola Poposki’s family are hardened communists and SDS officials who have held very high ranking administration jobs for few decades. DPNE responded by first promoting Poposki to Foreign Minister and later to their Executive Committee (EC). Once they realized who they were dealing with, Poposki was removed from their EC, after all the damage was done. Often, the level of amateurism among the party heads at DPNE is borderline infantile, and this is an understatement.

Today, another high ranking DPNE official and SDS implant Mitko Jancev publicly stated that he supports Zaev and the name change. On August 26th, MINA reported that this very Mitko Jancev is financing anti-Macedonian online portals. By the way, Jancev is the owner of “Kozuvcanka” and the Vice President at DPNE.

Jancev has spent more time with Baily and Zaev than with the DPNE

Jancev has been siding with Zaev, the SDS and financing their activities for years, yet kept getting promoted at DPNE all the way to VP!?  Clearly many, many things are wrong with the DPNE.

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Meanwhile Bubo Karov (K 15 Cacko), has netted 100,000 euros making commercials that get played on MTV 24/7 urging people to vote “For” in the referendum. Mitko Jancev, Bubo Karov and Nikola Dimitrov are all from Kavadarci, must be a coincidence.