After two month-long meet and greet presidential campaigning spanning Kondovo, Rakotince, Tri Cheshmi, Babino and Karbinci, senior DPNE official and Jehovah witness Vladimir Gjorchev has thrown his hat into the ring as a presidential contender.
The announcement came during a press conference where Gjorchev described why he is qualified to be president: “I’ve got experience and loyalty” summed up DPNE’s Nikola Dimitrov #2. The trick is, he didn’t elaborate loyalty to whom?
Gjorchev is man of the law. He protected Zaev’s junta in Parliament, then volunteered and testified against Macedonian patriots in Court to make sure they receive prison terms for waving Macedonian flags in Parliament. Not a shred of consciousness between his ears, thus, according to uncle Sam he is already very presidential!
Gjorchev appeared strangely depressed during his announcement, as if someone forced him to nominate himself for president. In addition, not a single comment came out from the controlled opposition calling itself “VMRO-DPMNE”. Keep in mind, the DPNE is still accepting applications for presidential candidate, goes until January 31st!
Gjorcev’s announcement (standing all alone) while giving his speech perfectly illustrated how fractured the DPNE really is. One fraction under direct US control of which Gjorcev and Nikoloski are part of, quietly destabilizes the rest of the party with this nomination, but do not have the courage to even stand by him as he’s putting forth his nomination. Making it look he is doing it on his own. However, if the DPNE has other ‘official’ candidate for president, why allow Gjorcev as member of the DPNE to nominate himself? Unless, Gjorcev serves someone else’s interests…
Прес-конференција на пратеникот Владимир Ѓорчев од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ
Posted by Kurir on Wednesday, January 23, 2019
So now, Macedonia has two candidates, both representing the US Deep State: GMO Oliver Spasovski and Vladimir Gjorchev. The DPNE figure is what MINA described two months ago, a “spotter” and his nomination is only meant to further split the already dwindling DPNE membership, automatically giving an edge to the other candidate.
This smells more and more of another Boycott.