EU tries to scare Macedonian citizens: If you don’t vote… bad, bad, bad


Soros appointees within the EU are getting increasingly nervous as new polls keep showing majority Macedonians will undoubtedly boycott the upcoming illegal referendum.

Former casino manager and current EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn issued a statement while visiting Drach (Albania) that if Macedonians don’t vote in the referendum, they would face isolation. According to Hahn, Macedonia was already isolated, but now thanks to the SDSM criminal junta backed by Hahn, the country was doing better!? It appears Macedonians were so isolated with the previous leadership, they weren’t even aware of it.

Hahn proclaimed “With voting in the referendum, there will be higher living standard and EU integration in the future”. The sad reality however is, with the arrival of the SDSM, the Macedonian standard of living has already dipped by 7% with zero FDI (foreign direct investments).

In coordinated scaremongering, Baily’s assistant and MANU traitor Vlado Kambovski issued a stern warning people would be prosecuted if they boycotted the referendum! Such idiotic statement from self appointed academic baffled legal experts, considering Kambovski himself spent his entire life in the law profession. Dozens of law professors and MPs hit back at Kambovski that the only thing illegal is the referendum, not the choice people would make whether to vote or not.

Kambovski has major ties to the US Embassy, so his foolish and desperate remark was expected. But it also shows the level of panic among local quislings and their bosses.