American-British experiment via referendum on changing the constitutional name of Macedonia in an effort to erase everything that is Macedonian will cost Macedonian citizens an incredible 3.5m euros, and, as Cyril and Methodius professor Vankovska pointed out, this will be the most expensive measurement of public opinion in the history of Macedonia without any legitimacy and legality.
The referendum will be financed from the state budget, that is, from the pocket of the citizens. Most of the money, ie 60 million denars for the item Various transfers will be transferred from the Ministry of Finance. The General Affairs and Common Affairs Unit of the Government, commonly known as the PCR, will allocate MKD 20 million. Instead of the promised revenue to expand Skopje’s cableway, the same amount of money will be redistributed from the Ministry of Transport.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy instead of increasing the minimum wage, will instead transfer from its budget 10 million denars for the referendum. 8 million denars that were intended for the Great Concert Hall for the Macedonian Philharmonic also will be used as the means for the referendum instead of the previous purpose.
There are also shortcomings in the Ministry of Health, where 10 million denars intended for the procurement of equipment and machines for the PET Center will now be used for the conduct of the referendum. Students will also be a direct victim of the change of the Macedonian identity, 5 million denars previously intended for printing of professional literature will now be used for the conduct of the referendum.