Georgia’s Government led by the young PM Kobakhidze did what the Gruevski Government couldn’t do when faced with the same American-British sponsored “colored revolution”. While the Gruevski Government buckled under the pressure from few hundred rent-a-protesters charging the US funded NGOs $50/day, in Tbilisi different story.
PM Kobakhidze did not let weeks of protests followed by blackmail from Washington and Brussels affect his Parliament majority. In fact, Kobakhidze ordered a strong police force to arrest hundreds of protests who started painting Government buildings and destroy state and private property – sound familiar?
Why were the protest? Georgia’s parliament voted on a law that would force (western) funded NGOs to report where they got their money and where does the money go. Sound like a good transparent law which as irony would have it was already passed in the United States. But for the US and its vassal EU states, this law is “not good” as practically all NGOs destabilizing Georgia at the moment are funded by … you guessed it, Washington, London and Brussels.
PM Kobakhidze has been relentless in his effort to keep Georgia safe from US influence. Last time Georgia followed America’s orders (2008) it lost 28% of its territory, which official Tbilisi will never get back. PM Kobakhidze went further, a fortnight ago he stated for local media that Washington has been pushing his Government to (once again) attack Russia and open a second front against Moscow. Kobakhidze called Washington’s remarks “completely insane” which would result in the destruction of Georgia, not that Washington cares.
Some of Brussels minions sent by Washington to Tbilisi have dared to tell PM Kobakhidze that he may suffer the same fate as Slovakia’s Robert Fico, alluding that he may be assassinated if he doesn’t tow their line. However, official Tbilisi has remained determined not to fall in Washington’s trap, at least not again.