Definitely, his name doesn’t sound familiar. Of course not. Ghanem Nuseibeh cultivates discretion and a taste for secrecy. It’s an asset to this lobbyist who was born into a large Muslim family in Jerusalem in 1977.
An expert in strategy and management, he runs his company Cornerstone Global Associates in Mayfair, one of London’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, with an iron fist. England, his second homeland where he attended all his schooling. From the perfidious Albion, he inherited a certain art of duplicity. Touching on everything, he is at the same time director of MAAS, a Muslim NGO that fights against anti-Semitism, a nice token of humanity and respectability that opened a lot of doors for him.
Particularly in France, where he is building relationships with leading politicians. Starting with Nathalie Goulet, Senator from Orne, with whom he has close and mysterious ties. In 2015, she even appointed him adviser for Islam in France within the framework of a parliamentary mission entitled “on the organisation, place and financing of Islam in France and its places of worship” for which she is the rapporteur. In addition to a great complicity which does not fail to feed all the gossip, Nathalie Goulet and Ghanem Nuseibeh have an immoderate and almost blind love for Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The first one makes regular trips there. As for the second he sells his intelligence and services at a high price to these two countries which are his main clients. According to the Stanford Report, Sheikh Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, representative of the ruler of the eastern region of the emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE, even commissioned him to promote the actions of the UAE and its allies through social networks and denigrate those of their enemies.
But still more troubling! A few days before Ramadan, Muslims in France will be happy to learn that Ghanen Nuseibeh is the Pope of Hallal in France. And thanks to whom?
Thanks to his political friends, of course! Among them André Reinhardt, senator of the Lower Rhine, very close to Nathalie Goulet with whom he shares almost all these parliamentary trips to the East. It is this same André Reinhardt who gave a hand to Nuseibeh to found an NGO in Strasbourg. It is still André Reinhardt, who is going to help him to obtain the necessary documents and authorizations so that Nuseibeh can launch his Halal meat business through the association Demla in Strasbourg. This structure is in charge of certifying Halal meat imported from France by the UAE. Yet there is only one problem, it does not appear in the list of the four associations sworn to do so.
The legal adviser for the setting up of the structure is none other than Dan Shefet, a Parisian lawyer close to Nathalie Goulet with whom he wrote a bill to fight against fake-news. Charity begins at home…
For the commercial and trading aspect of this new Halal business Dan Shefet creates two companies. The first “East and West Food export SAS” is managed by Ghanem Nuseibeh himself and the second AB Associates Conseils managed by a certain Abdurrahman Bouzid, a specialist in the Halal related market also close to Nathalie Goulet.
According to our information, considerable sums of money exclusively from the UAE are being transferred from Cornerstone Global, Ghanem Nuseibeh’s London-based consulting firm to East and West Food export SAS, a company itself managed by Nuseibeh. A vast money laundering enterprise? It looks like it. Another disturbing detail: Gahnem Nuseibeh issues all the invoices of his companies from Hashem al Qaisseh in the United Arab Emirates. This is not the first time that dubious economic links have been raised.
On the contrary, there are various transfers to Cornerstone Global from a private account in Switzerland in the name of …….Ghanem Nuseibeh. Thus a private account with Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), a private bank with its head office in Geneva and a branch in Zurich in a prime location. This private account, in turn, is supplied with money from…. the UAE. This raises questions.
In any case the economic links between the two French Senators and Gahnem Nuseibeh do not fail to intrigue in high places …