Idiot Bujar Osmani: Opening a Macedonian Club in Bulgaria not in function of good relations


Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs paid for by Macedonian taxpayers, Bujar Osmani, confirmed today at a press briefing in Skopje that he will not go to the opening of the club of the Macedonian community in Blagoevgrad on Sunday, because he believes that neither that club nor the Bulgarian ones that are opening here are for the benefit of the Macedonian community in Bulgaria or the Bulgarian community in the country.

Osmani believes that just like the opening of the clubs in Ohrid and Bitola, the opening of the club in Blagoevgrad is not contributing to the good neighborly relations between the two countries. He added that this opinion of his was also supported by the data, who finances the club in Blagoevgrad and that fact leads to the conclusion that the process cannot be in the function of promoting the Macedonian community, the interests of the Macedonian citizens there, the relations between the two countries, of good neighborliness.

When I found out who finances the club, it was clear to me. It is a foundation from Canada, which also has its own website, and if you look at the positions towards the state, towards the strategic interests of the state, you will see that it is not in the service of those strategic interests, and I do not expect that it will be in the service of the citizens and relations between the two countries. The fact that the financier of that club is that association is a sufficient fact for me that this initiative does not have a good intention, said Osmani.