Kotzias asked Zaev and Dimitrov to change name of Skopje Airport and main square


– Nikos Kotzias will arrive in Skopje via Solun, in a diplomatic vehicle, just as other Greek delegations as a result of the name of Skopje’s international airport, Alexander the Great. The Greek Government refuses to land on that airport, as such step would be seen as approving of the name – reports Greek paper “Demokratia”.

The paper adds, Kotzias will request from Dimitrov and Zaev to rename the Skopje airport, but also its main square which is called ‘Macedonia’, as a good neighborly gesture towards Greece.

In addition Kotzias will also request the removal of Alexander the Great statue from downtown Skopje, and as a ‘thank you’, Athens will ensure the EU sends funds to the country.

Although Athens has alleged Macedonia has repeatedly broken the 1995 Interim Agreement, when the two countries met in International Court in Hague, it ruled that it was Athens who has broken the Agreement repeatedly, not Macedonia.