Le Pen: France will be led by a Woman, Me or Merkel


During the debate today between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, Le Pen ripped into Macron and called him out plainly with some of the most decisive rhetoric we’ve seen yet.

Best line of the night—
Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron:

“Let me tell you what happened – France will be led by a woman, it’ll be either me, or Mrs. Merkel. That’s the truth”

The following is the exchange as is seen in the video above:

Le Pen:

“. . . The reality, you went to see Mrs. Merkel, you went to ask for her blessing because you planned to do nothing without her agreement. It’s so true – what are you gonna do opposite Mrs. Merkel? You said I won’t be opposite her, I will be with her . . .”


“Of course, I want France to measure up to Germany . . .”

Le Pen:

“Let me tell you what happened – France will be led by a woman, it’ll be either me, or Mrs. Merkel. That’s the truth”.

The final vote for the French presidential election is this Saturday.