SDSM reign in Government is always tied to massive migration of Macedonians, who literally go to just about any country that’s not Macedonia. Such has been the case over the past 12 months since Zaev’s junta was installed in Government.
Over 100,000 people have left the country, and these are Government figures. It’s so bad, in certain parts of the country there are no students.
Such is the case in most of eastern Macedonia, particularly in the smaller towns.
Mavrovo is no exception. The school that was home to 50 students just two years ago, now is a home of 1 student.
Matej, is the only kid enrolled at the school.
Entertainment legend Igor Dzambazov decided to welcome Matej at the school…
Игор Џамбазов во посета на првиот школски час во Основното училиште "Денче Дејаноски" во село Маврово.#Вдахновениот
Posted by Прикаски За Мали Деца on Monday, September 3, 2018