Macedonia’s census is in disarray, and this is putting it nicely. The absurd operation of counting people who are not there or anywhere begun in earnest on Monday. It’s been a fiasco from the start.
The application, built by a Bulgarian firm and hosted in Bulgaria crashed. While the application couldn’t and didn’t run, the all powerful Macedonian census workers were counting people in the same application. By the way the whole show is led by DZS Director Apostol Simovski, a man who in normal circumstances isn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand. But in Macedonia, nothing is normal.
Census workers appear to boycott their work. MINA finds, they have been kicked out from most homes. They are not welcomed either at apartment buildings where no one lets them in. As a result, for a third day now, the census has been stopped. This, however has not prevented the criminals at DZS led by Simovski to populate the Bulgarian app with ghosts.
MINA finds, as the census workers have idled for three days, the app has shown an increase of 65,000. Where did this numbers come from when officially no one is registering people?!?
When local media reached out to Simovski, he told journalists to await for a press release from the Government.