Macedonia – Outdoor mask wearing optional after June 1st?


Wearing ace masks is one of the measures that is often violated, especially when citizens are outdoors.

As “Fokus” has learned, it is very likely that as of the beginning of next month this measure will be lifted, ie wearing face masks outdoors will be a matter of the people’s own choice.

As of June 1, wearing face masks outdoors will not be mandatory,” Fokus has learned from sources in the Ministry of Health. According to the information, this is due to the improved epidemiological situation in the country, the number of new cases and hospitalized people is decreasing, so the Commission for Infectious Diseases will probably propose this measure to be lifted. “The Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, assessed that after three strong waves, the virus is finally calming down and that now we have the strongest weapon to fight the virus – the vaccine”, says “Fokus”.