The Macedonian public led by the Boycott movement has scheduled a protest against an unconstitutional and criminal Government junta’s attempt to change the name of the country despite the move being massively opposed by the Public via a failed referendum.
The opposition, surprising no one, will not take part in the protest. If the few couple of months have told us anything it’s that both the criminal Government and opposition (SDSDPNE) appear to be under the control of the same foreign meddlers (USA, EU & Soros) who have invested over $150m into the ‘name change’ effort since 2015.
Meanwhile, the US Embassy has financed the creation of at least half a dozen groups whose job is solely to sabotage any self-organizing by Macedonians, the same way they unsuccessfully tried for the Referendum.
For this purpose the US Embassy is funding:
- Janko Bachev
- Blokiram
- Krizen Shtab
- Filip Petrovski
- Hristijansko Bratstvo
#Бојкотирам уставни промени за промена на името Република Македонија и Македонија.#Бојкотирам бришење на АСНОМ од преамбула.#Бојкотирам вградување на имплант Рамковен договор во преамбула.
ПРОТЕСТ за Македонцките работи
18ти Ноември 2018
18.00 Собрание на Република #Македонија pic.twitter.com/dKNCAZtgCU— MACEDONUS ☠️🏴 (@macedonus) November 5, 2018