Macedonian brothers in Greece sleep outside in support of detained patriots


Vasilis Karitidis and his brother are supporting the detained patriots in Macedonia by sleeping outside, near the Ss Cyril and Methodius monument in Lerin.

Setting up a makeshift camp on December 5th, with blankets covering the marble, the Macedonian brothers decided to spend the cold nights sleeping outside as way to protest the fascist junta in Skopje and the illegal detention of Macedonian patriots.

– I’d like to inform the Macedonian people, those who love Macedonia, the people in Macedonia and here in Greece. The decision was mine. This night we’re begining our protest for our brothers who are unjustly jailed. Forgive me that I can’t put my Macedonian flag next to me, but I put my body. We’ll be spending our cold nights sleeping outside. Greece and Europe must be aware of the evil that’s been brought onto the Macedonians – wrote Karitidis in his FB profile.

The actions of the Karitidis brothers were welcomed and they received strong support among the Macedonians in Greece with some suggesting staging protests.

  • Elena Opasini

    Bravo Makedontsi.

  • Its Just Me

    Bravo!!! 🙂 samo stvarno nejkam na nastinat, podobro drug nacin na protest preku den.. mnogu e ladno.. Samo Egejska Makedonija moze da ne spasi sega.. Bravo!!!!