Macedonian Census Operation Officially Fails


September 30th is not a good day for the Macedonian Government. First it was the failed Referendum on 30th September 2018 when Macedonians overwhelmingly rejected to change their country’s name in order to join NATO/EU. Three years later, Macedonians did the same thing to a forced and fraudulent census.

The SSO’s head Apostol Simovski this evening reported that 1.832.696 people have been registered in the census. Simovski appeared visibly nervous at the press conference and would not answer any questions, instead insisted answers should be sought within the Government.

To sum up:

1.832.696 people registered in 2021 census.

1.824.864 people are registered to vote. Are there people under the age of 18?

2.400.000 to 2.500.000 ID cards are registered as issued in the system.

30% or 600,000 people are missing in the census.

This means 600,000 Macedonians boycotted the census and were not registered, or Macedonia indeed has 1.8m residents minus the 600,000 under the age of 18, which means it can only have 1.2m voters. Then what do we do with the 2.4m IDs issued to Macedonian citizens?