Macedonian Chamber to promote new Chinese Silk Road


The Association of Chambers of Commerce (SSK) of Macedonia (SSK) announced it will work on promoting the Chinese One Belt One Road policy of infrastructure investments across Europe, Asia and africa.

“SSK has excellent connections with the People’s Republic of China and we are part of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce which united 30 other chambers of commerce. We aim to be actively involved in the One Belt One Road initiative announced by President Xi Jinping. Our country is on the route of the old Silk Road and is one of the first countries of the 16+1 process between China and Central and Eastern Europe which recognized the potential benefits of this program” said Arsovska.

Arsovska added that SSK has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce which helps Macedonian companies tap the Chinese market and facilitates Chinese investments in Macedonia.

China invested 50 billion USD in infrastructure projects between 2014 and 2016, opening 180.000 new jobs and improving infrastructure in Europe and Asia.

In Macedonia, Chinese companies supported the construction of new highways between Skopje and Stip and between Kicevo and Ohrid.

  • Goran Stavreski

    I don’t know if terrorist Baily would approve of this, they better check with him first before making this type of announcements.