Only the Macedonian criminal Government junta can do something that shocks just about no one. After giving out over 40 million euros of taxpayers money to fake companies owned by SDS party officials, including 10 million to promote ‘innovation’ to people like Janushev (Zaev’s vice president), the latest craziness is that Albanian drug traffickers were just issued a license to grow cannabis in Macedonia for ‘medical purposes’.
We wished this was a joke, but like everything else done by the Zaev junta, it isn’t.
Albanian media reported 39-year-old Fatmir Merkaj who just last week was awarded the license to grow cannabis in Macedonia, was arrested by Albanian Customs officials and is accused of drug trafficking.
With the help of DUI officials, Merkaj created a company for production, trade, transport and services F & M 2017 LLC Export – Import, in the village Vrapchishte, Gostivar for the activity of cultivating cannabis for medical purposes. Owners are Fatmir Merkaj from Tirana and Mirjana Kodra from Beloviste, Gostivar. The employees are Hagif Kodra, Djordje Gogov and Naksija Selmani. These three have been reported as employees since 1.1.2018. From the same period till 30.06.2018 pharmacist Radica Avramoska was also employed there, whose husband is employed by the EBRDĀ (elite police).
Merkaj has multiple arrests in Albania, and all related to illegal trafficking. In 2004 he was arrested for illegally transporting alcohol from Macedonia to Albania. Later, he changed his name, however continued with his ‘business’.
This past tuesday he was arrested for trafficking marijuana and alcohol.
Needless to say, Merkaj does appear qualified to do business with the Macedonian Government.