Motivated by the recent booking scandal in Skopje, the WeTalkIT community decided to prove that Skopje can be hospitable as well. A new website supercupskopje.com was created to offer tourists free accommodation in Skopje for the upcoming UEFA Super Cup 2017.
Many Skopje residents have listed their homes and vacation villas and are offering them for free to visiting fans. This comes as a result of outrageous prices by Skopje based hotels who tried to take advantage of the large number of foreign tourists by increasing their hotel prices by 1000%.
For example, spending a night in a Skopje hotel on August 8th will set you back 1,500 euros.
SuperCupSkopje.com is already gaining popularity and spread on social media both in the UK and Spain with fans giving it thumbs up.
Great move by residents in the Macedonian capital.