Macron refused to meet ‘toxic Zaev’ for 4 months


The French president for five months refuses to meet with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, and immediately agreed to meet with President Stevo Pendarovski as early as next Tuesday. “Lider” analyzes: Why does Macron refuse to meet with the “toxic” Zaev?

The SDS leader himself confirmed last month that he had been waiting for four months to meet Macron, but he ignored and refused his requests.

For four months, I have been requesting a meeting with the French President Macron, through the French Ambassador Thimonier and the Macedonian Ambassador to France and other diplomatic channels, but I have not received a response so far. I want to meet with Macron, he is our great friend, Zoran Zaev said on October 19.

According to Croatian journalist Ivan Brodic, who closely follows developments in the European Union, it is logical that Macron would prefer to meet Pendarovski instead of Zaev – because the president, unlike the SDS leader, reacted to the “Racket” case.

Remember, Pendarovski reacted very sharply to the possibility of corruption at the government leadership in the “Racket” case. He demanded that all responsible be punished. Perhaps that part of the answer to your question may be hidden, journalist and analyst Ivan Brodic told “Lider”.

The analyst added that when Slovenia blocked Croatia’s accession to NATO, then the US diplomacy threatened Slovenia by refusing credit reprogramming and so the blockade fell. According to Brodic, this anecdote shows that NATO is a geostrategic alliance. Unlike NATO, the European Union is value creation.

It is completely unthinkable for the EU to admit countries where the very government leadership is very close to the biggest corruption scandals and in which political opponents are sentenced to higher prison sentences than returnees from the Islamic State, Brodic analyzes.

According to him, it is beyond tragic what has been happening in Macedonia for the last three years.

The latest set (meaning SDSM and Zoran Zaev) has devalued European standards in a country that, as a reminder, was the first in the Balkans ready to join the Euro-Atlantic integration, Brodic says.

The longtime political actor Nikola Srbov shares a similar opinion, who reminds that the French ambassador Timonier has repeatedly, in a very direct way, alarmed about what is happening in Macedonia.