MHRMI condemns Traitor Zaev for his continued efforts at changing Macedonia’s name


What problem does Traitor Zaev believe he is accomplishing by adding a geographical qualifier in front of the Republic of Macedonia’s name? The only answer given by illegitimate “Prime Minister” Zaev so far is his obsession with “not offending Greece” – the same country that has admitted to creating the artificial name dispute in order to, as the first UN name negotiator Robin O’Neil puts it, “wipe Macedonia off the map”.

Does it solve Greece’s nonsensical claim that the Republic of Macedonia’s name “creates confusion” with the province of Macedonia within Greece (annexed by Greece after Macedonia’s partition in 1913). “Republic of” is the distinguishing factor so, case dismissed.

Does it solve the ridiculous argument that the Republic of Macedonia is planning on invading Greece? No. But referring to “Northern Macedonia” hands the term “Macedonia” over to Greece opening the door to Greece’s territorial claims over Macedonia.

It also further aids Greece in the mass persecution of its large Macedonian minority – the very reason that Greece created the artificial anti-Macedonian name dispute – as admitted by former Greek PM Constantine Mitsotakis in 1995.
Despite Zaev’s spin that Macedonia’s language and identity remain intact, one needs only to use common sense, and see the agreement attached that spells out that Zaev is relinquishing all claims to anything Macedonian.

Zaev will already be known as the biggest traitor in Macedonian history, but this opens another door. To President Ivanov. All he needs to do is end any discussion on changing Macedonia’s name because it is in clear violation of Macedonia’s constitution. The President of Macedonia has this power. President Ivanov must immediately withdraw from the 1995 Interim Accord because, not only is it anti-Macedonian, it is null and void because Greece violated its terms in 2008. Ivanov must demand that the United Nations immediately stop violating its own rules and accept Macedonia under its proper name. Ivanov must call on other countries to demand an end to the undemocratic and racist name negotiations and use their power, including Turkey’s veto power in NATO and Russia’s veto power in the UN, to preemptively stop any discussion about changing Macedonia’s name. All Macedonians must unite and demand that this happen immediately.

As Macedonian Human Rights Movement International’s Our Name Is Macedonia campaign states – “Defend yourselves and the world will defend you”. This was confirmed to MHRMI during high-level meetings with the Canadian government and opposition parties. When pressed by MHRMI President Bill Nicholov for a statement in defence of Macedonia’s right to self-determination, they collectively stated, “Canada supports this basic human right and would publicly do so, but since Macedonia is negotiating its name, we will await the outcome of the Macedonia/Greece discussions.”

Nicholov warned that waiting for the outcome of the discussions would result in a new name proposal aimed solely at appeasing Macedonia’s oppressors. And this is exactly what the current anti-Macedonian government has delivered. But it is not too late. Macedonians, and the world, have the opportunity to prevent modern-day cultural genocide. MHRMI demands that it be taken. Our Name Is Macedonia. Defend and demand respect for it.