The leader of DPNE Hristijan Mickoski pointed out Monday in an interview with TV Klan that the end of August and the beginning of September would be a good period for holding elections from the position of protecting the health of citizens.
Fact is that agreement on the date for the upcoming elections must reached with a compromise. There is no dilemma here either, because we adopted that principle during the first leaders’ meeting with President Pendarovski, when we scheduled the elections for April. Unfortunately, those elections did not take place, Mickoski explained.
Mickoski added that SDSM and Zaev insist that the elections be held in June because at the moment we have a very bad situation in the country in terms of health and economy.
We believe that the end of August, the onset of September might be good dates for holding the elections from the position of protecting the health of the citizens, stressed Mickoski.
The leader of the so called opposition is in a peculiar position considering he closely collaborates with Zaev’s Government which funds Mickoski’s multi-million euro hydro power stations business. It would explain why Mickoski has never really behaved like an opposition.