VMRO-DPMNE has been attacked as never before in Macedonia. The aim is to break VMRO and weaken Macedonia, but they will not succeed, said party leader Nikola Gruevski at Thursday’s press conference.
The statement comes after the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) decided to file 17 indictments in 18 cases against 94 individuals and seven legal entities, including members of the party leadership.
“Such classical political persecution has not occurred in the history of Macedonia, but also in Europe. Hundreds of individuals who are part of VMRO-DPMNE’s bodies or their supporters are persecuted so that the party is destroyed or silenced”, stressed Gruevski.
He said the SPO is an instument for political persecution and that is why all processes are directed against VMRO-DPMNE.
“This is a political, not legal process. SPO lost its impartiality and credibility long time ago, becoming an instrument for political persecution. SPO is not a prosecutor’s office, it is a SDSM office. The biggest indicator that this is a political process is the fact that SPO takes decisions without any legal evidence. VMRO is the target, the aim is to break VMRO, its political elimination and putting it under control for higher goals of the ones who created this entire process”, underlined Gruevski.