The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia voted for the President, the Vice President and members of the State Election Commission (SEC) at noon on the 56th session with 100 votes in favor. During the session, the amendments to the Electoral Code (99 votes in favor) and the laws on Government and financing of political parties were adopted (by 101 votes in favor), following shortened procedure.
Oliver Derkovski from VMRO-DPMNE was elected president of the SEC, and Ditmir Shehu from DUI as vice president. Elizabeta Postolovska from VMRO-DPMNE, Janaki Vitanovski, Boris Kondarko and Radica Risteska from SDSM, as well as Enver Saliu from Besa will be members of the SEC.
The assembly elected members of the SEC and adopted changes to the three laws under an agreement reached by parliamentary parties, and earlier on Monday’s leadership meeting.