Pentagon to undergo first audit, unable to account for trillions


After decades of waste, overpayments, trillions of missing or improperly accounted for dollars, and most recently losing track of 44,000 US soldiers, the Pentagon is about to undergo its first audit in history conducted by 2,400 auditors from independent public accounting firms to conduct reviews across the Army, Navy, Air Force and more – followed by annual audits going forward.

The announcement follows a May commitment by Pentagon comptroller David Norquist, who previously served as the CFO at the Department of Homeland Security when the agency performed its audit. “Starting an audit is a matter of driving change inside a bureaucracy that may resist it,” Norquist told members of the Armed Services Committee at the time when pressed over whether or not he could get the job done at the DHS.

According to the DoD release:

The audit is massive. It will examine every aspect of the department from personnel to real property to weapons to supplies to bases. Some 2,400 auditors will fan out across the department to conduct it, Pentagon officials said.
“It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DoD’s management of every taxpayer dollar,” Norquist said.

The Pentagon is no stranger to criticism over serious waste and purposefully sloppy accounting. A DoD Inspector General’s report from 2016 – which appears to be unavailable on the DoD website (but fortunately WAS archived)- found that in 2015 alone a staggering $6.5 trillion in funds was unaccounted for out of the Army’s budget, with $2.8 trillion in “wrongful adjustments” occurring in just one quarter.

In 2015, the Pentagon denied trying to shelve a study detailing $125 billion in waste created by a bloated employee counts for noncombat related work such as human resources, finance, health care management and property management. The report concluded that $125 billion could be saved by making those operations more efficient.

On September 10th, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,” after a Pentagon whistleblower set off a probe. A day later, the September 11th attacks happened and the accounting scandal was quickly forgotten.

And twenty years before that, DoD analyst Franklin C. Spinney exposed what he called “accounting games,” saying “Those numbers are pie in the sky. The books are cooked routinely year after year.” In a 2002 testimony before the House Committee on Government Reform, Spinney laid out the DoD’s accounting quagmire of un-auditable books and budget projections which don’t match reality.

  • eas

    .Obama Administration and
    CIA have arranged a shadow administration in nearly every country in the world,
    including in their own country, and they have stolen large amounts of public
    money with the shadow computer systems that are operated by the shadow
    administrations. The US deep state has installed their people in most foreign
    countries with backroom arranged coup d’etat, color revolutions,
    destabilizations, wars, as the case was with the Republic of Macedonia as well.
    The shadow computer systems are currently hiding the real financial situation
    in the US and in many other countries including in Macedonia. However, it’s
    coming a time when the truth could not be hidden any more, as there are no
    money left. Audits will confirm the real situation. All this stealing of public
    money around the world was done under when Mueller was the head of the CIA.
    Mueller is now conducting an investigation about the interference into the US
    election. The irony is that Trump was most probably elected with the assistance
    of the US deep state and possibly under the supervision of Mueller. It wasn’t Russia
    or anyone else who interfered into the US election, on that large scale. The
    lunatics from the US deep state who have stolen the money from this world, now need
    a victim to blame for what they have done. I believe that they are prepared to
    create the war around the world to cover up what they have done, and this is
    now a real possibility. The attacks on Trump have intensified during the last few
    weeks, and in particular with the recently published book by Steve Bannon. They
    are all against Trump and they want to make him responsible for everything that
    might unfold. They have been pressuring Trump to continue the conflict with
    North Korea and Iran, which are primary goals of Israel as well, and they might
    use this situation to create that war. I’ve read an article this morning that
    says ‘Australia must prepare for nuclear war with North Korea’. See I am afraid that it might become a real possibility that these
    lunatics might use Australia and make it a new Pearl Harbour. Sydney is
    floating on large resources of natural gas, which will make any impact
    catastrophic on a scale that the US deep state probably wants to happen. My
    experience in pursuing against these evil lunatics has confirm that these evil
    lunatics usually always want to install women to take the blame for what they
    have done. Currently, Australia has a female Defense Minister and a female
    Minister for Foreign Affairs, and both were recently sent to South Korea, and
    on the border with North Korea. The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
    was installed with backroom arranged coup d’etat. The Australian Defense
    Minister was informed about the massive stealing of public money that goes in
    Australia by these lunatics when she was a Minister for Human Services,
    however, the current Minister for Defense has done nothing about it. There have
    been only actions undertaken recently to destroy the evidence that the Minister
    for Defense was informed about the organized and systemic stealing of public
    money in the Australia welfare system. So, considering what is currently
    happening in the US the situation might get worst very soon and specially, when
    the audits in the US are completed, which already show that trillions of
    dollars are missing. I also believe that the relationship between Russia and the
    UK is currently on its lowest level, as the US deep state doesn’t want the
    Russia and the UK to work together. If Russia and UK were working together and they
    were shearing their intelligence and skills, they should have prevented the
    stealing of public money around the world on a scale that it has probable have
    already been done by these lunatics from the US elite. The lunatics from the US
    deep state always use the principle divide and conquer.

  • eas

    The US deep state, a product of the Obama Administration
    and CIA, has arranged a shadow administration in nearly every country in the
    world, including in their own country, and they have stolen large amounts of public
    money with ‘shadow’ computer systems that are operated by the ‘shadow’
    administrations created by the US deep state. The US deep state has installed
    their people in most foreign countries with backroom arranged coup d’etat, colour
    revolutions, destabilisations, wars, as the case was with the Republic of
    Macedonia as well. The shadow computer systems are currently hiding the real
    financial situation in the US and in many other countries including in
    Macedonia. However, it’s coming a time when the truth could not be hidden any
    more, as there are no money left. Audits will confirm the real situation in
    many countries. All this stealing of public money around the world was done
    when Mueller was the head of the CIA. Mueller is now conducting an investigation
    about the interference into the US election. The irony is that Trump was most
    probably elected with the assistance of the US deep state and possibly under the
    supervision of Mueller. It wasn’t Russia or anyone else who interfered into the
    US election, on that large scale. The lunatics from the US deep state who have
    stolen the money from this world, now need a victim to blame for what they have
    done. I believe that they are prepared to create the war around the world to
    cover up what they have done, and this is now a real possibility. The attacks
    on Trump have intensified during the last few weeks, and in particular with the
    recently published book with the comments by Steve Bannon. They are all against
    Trump and they want to make him responsible for everything that might unfold. They
    have been pressuring Trump to continue the conflict with North Korea and Iran,
    which are primary goals of Israel as well, and they might use this situation to
    create that war. I’ve read an article this morning that says ‘Australia must
    prepare for nuclear war with North Korea’. See I am afraid that it might become a real
    possibility that these lunatics might use Australia and make it a new Pearl
    Harbour. Sydney is floating on large resources of natural gas, which will make
    any impact catastrophic on a scale that the US deep state probably wants to
    happen. My experience in pursuing against these evil lunatics has confirm that
    they usually always want to install women to take the blame for what they have
    done. Currently, Australia has a female Defence Minister and a female Minister
    for Foreign Affairs, and both were recently sent to South Korea, and on the
    border with North Korea. The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was
    installed with backroom arranged coup d’etat. The Australian Defence Minister
    was informed about the massive stealing of public money that goes in Australia by
    these lunatics when she was Minister for Human Services, however, the current
    Minister for Defence has done nothing about it. There have been only actions
    undertaken recently to destroy the evidence that the Minister for Defence was
    informed about the organiZed and systemic stealing of public money in the
    Australia welfare system. So, considering what is currently happening in the US
    the situation might get worst very soon and specially, when the audits in the
    US are completed, which already show that trillions of dollars are missing, as
    provided in this article. I also believe that the relationship between Russia
    and the UK is currently on its lowest level, as the US deep state doesn’t want
    the Russia and the UK to work together. If Russia and UK were working together
    and they were shearing their intelligence and skills, they should have
    prevented the stealing of public money around the world on a scale that it has
    probable have already been done by these lunatics from the US elite. The
    lunatics from the US deep state always use the principle divide and conquer. I
    believe all those who can see what might happened in Australia and the world
    are possibly taking actions. For example all Westfield Shopping Centers in Australia,
    probably the biggest in the country, were sold last month.
