Keep in mind, Ivanov is a University Law Professor…
- Ivanov signed the agreement with Bulgaria despite it being unconstitutional just like the Prespa Agreement – thus he laid the foundation for tatarization (bulgarization) of the country (negating of language and historical revisions through commissions).
2. Pocket veto for the Prespa Agreement, so it doesn’t obtain an official status of a lawful act. As a result, because it is an unofficial act, the same cannot be annulled in accordance with the Venice Conventions.
3. Pocket veto for bilingualism. Ivanov simply delayed it from becoming a law until the promulgation of the amendments, which incorporate the basis of the law!
4. Two impotent speeches at the UN with NO legal effect!
5. Ivanov did not undertake any FORMAL activities before the UN to overcome the problem with the name, even though he repeatedly promised he would, despite all the petitions, appeals from citizens and experts at home and abroad and at an immediate meeting with Macedonian intellectuals!
6 Ivanov did not publicly call for unity of the Macedonian people, did not lead his people against the pernicious brutal manipulations and criminal blackmailing and bargaining with the MPs in Parliament, even though the HISTORICAL times demanded this of him, as the “father” of the nation!
7. He signed a highly embarrassing and illegal selective AMNESTY, which allowed for majority vote in Parliament for the name change.
8. With the approval of the amendments and their proclamation, Ivanov’s “pocket vetoes” become deflated balloons because both the Prespa and the Bilingual Law become part of the Constitution!
9. By doing so, Ivanov enabled and enforced Greece’s insistence on constitutional changes, as the ultimate guarantee for our renaming. This is due to the fact – if the change of the Name stemmed from the “agreement” only, according to international law / judgment of the international court, they did not have to be respected in the country, if they were contrary to its constitutional decisions, as was the case with us!
10. Ivanov, (arranged, assisted, helped through a well thought out scenario!) – acting as a fake patriot in order to save face and image for the history books, actually completely misled his people as he promised action for protecting Macedonia’s constitution and specifically the country’s name. The betrayal was so high, it actually killed off all the people’s power for self-organizing and resistance.
Did we mention Ivanov is a constitutional law professor? //Olivera Trajkovska