Puppet Liljana Spasovska appointed as temp Public Prosecutor


The tradition of appointing officials who have worked to subvert Macedonian democracy and the country itself continues after the latest appointment of Liljana Spasovska for a temporary (v.d.) Public Prosecutor.

Spasovska is best known to the Macedonian public for the “Monster” case when during a discussion for the sentencing of the Kosovo terrorists who gunned down 5 Macedonian teens fishing at Smilkovo lake, she insisted that the terrorists cannot be given life sentences without first taking into account information from the newly created SPO.

The president of the Supreme Court Jovo Vangelovski opposed her request.

A Skopje court in 2014 sentenced Alil Demiri, Afrim and Agjim Ismailovic, Ezim and Haki Aziri and Samil Ljuta to life in prison for the Smilkovo Lake killings.

The murderers fled to Kosovo where they were protected first at US operated Bondsteel Base, but later ‘charged’ with petty crimes of weapon possessions and were moved to a Prishtina prison.

As soon as Zaev was installed in Government, two of the murderers were immediately released. PM Baily is not requesting extradition, after all, they are his people.