Putin: Macedonia is a cradle of all Slavic literacy


I know that you’re in Russia due to a special circumstance.  You’re here to receive the foundation award for uniting all Christian Orthodox people. Today is also a special day for Russia as well – the day of Slavic literature and the Cyrillic alphabet who as we all know came to us from Macedonia. I would like to begin with congratulating you on this award, said Putin in his remarks to Macedonian president Gjorgje Ivanov.

  • V.M.

    Can I trade Ivanov and Gruevski for Putin?
    I can’t mention Zaeviqi here because the man is mentally unfit, and should be left alone until institutional help is administered.

  • Palo Alto

    Oh snap! Did Putin just validated all of Macedonias history!

    • Peter Kuriakos

      he just called you Slavic ….

      • Palo Alto

        But we are Slavic speaking Nation.

        • Athan Paris

          You mean Bulgarian speaking..

        • Peter Kuriakos

          So how does that make you “Macedonian”

          • anton

            I’m a Macedonian, and I’m a slav, historians and archeologists agree i speak the language spoken here since 500AD, by the same Slavic people I descended from. Those same people who came here, saw, conquered and fucked up the Romans, Illirians, Ancient Greeks and Ancient Macedonians quick smart in under a century.They joined us or perished, just like most other languages and people who encountered the Slavs. Now, you can take your ancient gay ways and Athenian dialect codefied about 150 years ago (which your ‘nation’ had to teach to the vast majority of your population cos they were mostly Turks, Albanians, Vlachs, Ponts and Slavs) and shove it back up your arse in a typically ancient hellenic way! Plenty of Macedonians fell for Grujo’s little history brainwash, but many others did not, and it’s them u gotta worry about, cos they know exactly who we are, and who you are.

          • Peter Kuriakos

            read the coin LOL opps sorry i know you cant hahahah

          • anton

            what’s it say, champ? “I fuck my cousin up the arse”. In fact, I’m surprised you can read it too, cos chances are your ancestors are the same as mine – Slavs (oh the horror!) And while you’re posting maps, here’s one from 814ad https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/17/ed/56/17ed569996054a591aabf767d16863d8.jpg

          • LXV

            There were no “Greeks” until the 1820s when the Royal Lizards of the Germans (the Habsburgs) decided to create themselves a vassal state that will help them control the Eastern Mediterranean.
            Hence, the “Kings” of Grease had to be German (the first “regent” was Otto Friedrich Ludwig of Bavaria and the later one George I, a.k.a. William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg).

            HellAss has been a bitch of the Habsburgs ever since (UK’s House of Windsor is of the same reptilian tribe of Habsburgs; they’ve changed their name to avoid being lynched by angry English serfs) . This is only a short reminder for piss-poor (and future Arabic-speaking) HellAss serfs, in case they’re still wondering why they aren’t allowed to decide for themselves whether they want to stay within EU or leave it.

          • Athan Paris

            The first available evidence comes from the Macedonian king Alexander I during his speech to Athenians. Essentially we have a clear confession that Alexander considers himself a Greek.
            Had I not greatly at heart
            the Common welfare of Greece
            I should not have come to tell you;
            but I am myself Greek by descent
            , (“te gar Hellên genos eimi tôrchaion“) and
            I would not willingly see Greece exchange freedom for slavery.
            …If you prosper in this war, forget not to do something for my freedom; consider the
            risk I have run, out of zeal for the Greek Cause
            ,….I am Alexander of Macedon‘

            Another cited excerpt makes it even more clear that Alexander I was proud of his Hellenic identity. While speaking to Persians:
            Tell your king who sent you how a
            Greek man,
            viceroy of the Macedonians(“anêr Hellên – Makedonôn hyparchos”)has received you hospitably… “
            Furthermore Herodotus provides us with a clear-cut testimony about their Hellenic identity from the members of the Macedonian royal house themselves

          • Athan Paris

            You don’t know who you are, where you came from, or who your mother and father were…..After 1944, a deliberate and systematic campaign was initiated for Yugoslavia’s southern republic to takeover the history of ancient Macedonia. “Scholars” were commissioned to re-write their history books to adopt the ancient Macedonian History as their own, accompanied by perverted maps indicating their “Macedonia” to include all the land to the northern half of Mount Olympus. Also, “linguists” were appointed to create an alphabet and refine a new “Macedonian” language that, of course, was formed to sound as if it were the “natural development” of an ancient Macedonian language. Grammatically,however, this language is nearly identical to Bulgarian with several Serbo-Croatian words that have replaced the Bulgarian words….You should be proud of your Bulgarian heritage and stop stealing Greek History..”Dude”..This is what happens when you have inbreeding..

          • Athan Paris

            FYROM had an identity, Bulgarian, which was wiped out by Yugoslav communists not by Greeks.
            For instance, here are the words of “Macedonian” national hero Krste Misirkov to decide for yourselves what he believed about his own identity. (quotes that modern “ethnic Macedonians” forget to mention to third parties when playing the victim hard to Greeks)
            “Who is against a greater Bulgaria is against Slavism”
            “Macedonians means only Macedonian Bulgarians”
            “The only Macedonian Slavs who played a leading part in the Uprising were those who called themselves Bulgarians.”
            “We are Bulgarians, more Bulgarians than the Bulgarians in Bulgaria themselves.”[…]’And, anyway, what sort of new Macedonian nation can this be when we and our fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers have always been called Bulgarians?
            “We did indeed call ourselves “Bulgarians” and “Christians” in the national sense”
            “The first objection — that a Macedonian Slav nationality has NEVER EXISTED — may be very simply answered as follows: what has not existed in the past may still be brought into existence later, provided that the appropriate historical circumstances arise.”
            “No matter whether we call ourselves Bulgarians or Macedonians we shall always feel as a nationality with a Bulgarian national consciousness,”
            “If the question of racial similarity and difference between Bulgarians and Macedonians comes to be resolved on the basis of the national name, language and history, there is no doubt that we should resolve it as a Greek priest did in 1804; author of a four-language dictionary Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian and Albanian and who regarded as Bulgarian the Western Macedonian dialect. Therefore when in Macedonia and Bulgaria there was no mention of the Bulgarian Exarchate, the Greeks, obviously well acquainted with the Balkan nationalities, do not make any distinction between a Bulgarian, a Macedonian and a Macedonian Slav. We the Macedonians, cannot, and have no reason to ignore this and similar facts, which can be quoted by the hundreds. We cannot ignore them because to do so means to distort our history, to hide the truth and to deceive ourselves.”

          • Peter Kuriakos

            You don’t give two fucks because your embarrassed it’s in greek not Slavic language you speak and you have no answer for it so sad your country is based on a lie

          • Peter Kuriakos

            How are you Macedonian you stupid inbreeding skop , you can’t read a simple coin

          • Athan Paris

            You are more MARTIAN, than Macedonian. REAL.Historians and archaeologists have already ascertained the ethnicity of the ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedon, and so have your leaders-other than the clown prince Grueveski,……Well accredited historians from universities around the globe (including prominent ones in the UK like Cambridge and Oxford) disagree with your narrative that ancient Macedonians weren’t self-identifying Greeks. (or at least they were by the Hellenistic age when spread Greek culture, Greek language, and competed as self-identifying Greeks in the ancient Olympics)
            And as far as I know, even historians that disagree ancient Macedonians were Greeks, all make it clear FYROM nationalists are not descendants of ancient Macedonians.
            Furthermore, when Slavic peoples showed up to the region… all the locals were speaking Latin or Greek. If they are “Macedonian” as they claim… why don’t they want to speak Greek like they did?
            Let me also quote you your own former government officials since some seem to have developed amnesia around the issue that they used to freely self-identify as ethnic Bulgarians.
            “To everyone of us it is clear that this entire thesis, this entire thesis for ethnogenesis from Macedonians, it isn’t so. Ancient Macedonians until today is founded on a series of mystifications and semi-historical truths which are emitted from Republic of Macedonia and that by using and abusing the media.[…] “Why do Skopjans not ask how much Dardanian blood there is in them[..] how much Thracian blood there is in them[…] how much Illyrian blood there is in them[…]how much Paeonian blood there is in them.[…]I do not see anyone of us get into a fight over the amount of Paeonian blood in us, or God forbid, Dardinian one?[…]Ancient Macedonia does not match with today’s Macedonia at all.[…]Ancient Macedonia, we must clarify it once, is literally in entirety in today’s Greece.[…] If we are looking at ethnogenesis then we should open at another place. Therefore we should discuss how much we are Paeoneans. ” (Ljubco Georgievski, ex-Prime Minister of FYROM, FYROM A1 TV June 2009) http://www.youtube.com/user/Srbolog#play/uploads/1/-HvKPiLYZCI
            “The creation of the Macedonian nation, for almost half of a century, was done in a condition of single-party dictatorship. In those times, there was no difference between science and ideology, so the “Macedonian” historiography, unopposed by anybody, comfortably performed a selection of the historic material from which the “Macedonian” identity was created. There is nothing atypical here for the process of the creation of any modern nation, except when falsification from the type of substitution of the word “Bulgarian” with the word “Macedonian” were made.
            (Denko Maleski, Minister of foreign affairs of the FYROM from 1991 to 1993 in an interview to FYROM newspaper Utrinski Vesnik October 16, 2006)
            ‘We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great.’
            (FYROM’S Ambassador Ljubica Acevshka in speech to US representatives in Washington on January 22 1999)
            “We are Slavs who came to this area in the sixth century … We are not descendants of the ancient Macedonians” (Kiro Gligorov, FYROM’s first President to Foreign Information Service Daily Report, Eastern Europe, February 26, 1992)…You are deluded and lost..the faster you change the name, the better for your country. Anyways, soon you will be partitioned or have Cantons like Switzerland…and then where will you be my anonymous friend???

        • Peter Kuriakos
          • V.M.

            That’s the Koine language.
            There is no such thing as a “greek” language. Your masters, the Germans will explain any questions you may have, how they created your country, how the Brits gave you the flag which belonged to the East Indian company… all of this is documented.

          • Peter Kuriakos

            your delusional , merkel told you on a number of occasions to pick a name as the one you have is not acceptable , further more dont change the subject you cant read the coin and until you do this conversation is over .. TEL ME HOW EMBARRASSING IS IT WHEN YOU GO TO THE MUSEUMS AND CANT READ ANYTHING BECAUSE ITS NOT IN YOUR LANGUAGE ?? LOL LOL LOL NO response will be given until you
            answare the coin question as its a “simple coin” in Greek letters ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/833dd34409c5598f836ec911586502dac979775bbda3d23a4aa4ef8955a547f7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/08cb550bb43ba31254be426b67fd0c08b7b30e16309481aaaa8653948f8564d1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68b3b6e222eed7b6053b639f51200d34e0a4a67f382a441a67cefad034319fa7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/87ddeb0613de78db6aad48d8c90291e6da306263840744cb46cfa2e6fe82f41a.jpg

          • Peter Kuriakos

            I forgot to mention that if you dont pick a name it will be VETO again witch means no entry to the EU , NATO , which means an Albanian will be running your country with in years , your a sitting duck with no allies , and your more broke then us LOL pick a name Macedonia = VETO , vardarska banovina = welcome to the EU jail 😉

          • V.M.

            Ok, now that I know you’re retarded, let me tell you what you’re posting here: This is a map of regions named by the rivers going through the area: Zetska (Zeta), Dunavska (Dunav), Vardarska, (Vardar), Savska (Sava), Drinska (Drina)…. Good lord, some of the Greeks I know are intelligent, what sort of mixed breed are you? German shepherd with albanian poodle?

          • Peter Kuriakos

            stop changing the subject i ask you a question

          • Peter Kuriakos

            can you read the coin .. its a simple coin

          • Peter Kuriakos

            Your Fucken retarded you can’t read a simple coin with your so called hero on pffffft , how come you don’t bring up the fact that only 20 + years ago your part of the world was part of Yougoslavia but hay you must of forgot right ?? 😂😂https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ff01ddac04febe8c2be90153668348d0599bdc714bc3d45881ea49f81e4c231.jpg ,

          • Peter Kuriakos

            Remember your old flag? Or the other one we made you change ? Because Greece has a copy rights to it 😂😂 you monkey you have no idea … all of a sudden your ” Macedonian” get the fuck outta here you clown, how come your weren’t Macedonian when Yougoslavia was around , but when it broke up your now Macedonian lol 😂 that makes sense 😂😂 to a inbred



          • Athan Paris

            “It is no wonder that, in matters of politics in the Balkans, Greece feels misunderstood. It cannot understand why, after it stood alone with the United Kingdom against the forces of fascism between 28 October 1940–Ohi day, as it is still called–and 27 April 1941, when Athens finally fell, its former allies now appear to be taking the part of forces against which it stood, especially when, after the second world war, it endured those further four years of civil war to hold the line against the communist advance to the Aegean. That was done for the United States and for the United Kingdom especially–the world powers of the time–and those Governments objected, in 1944, to Tito’s change of the name of Vardar Banovina. ” (House of Commons Hansard Debates for 9 May 1995, Column 602)

        • Peter Kuriakos

          The Alexander coins are in Greek , I can read them can you ? No so let’s re cap here You speak Slavic language ( you agree), the coins and other ancient artefacts are in Greek not Slavic , I am Greek I can read them .. again I ask you how are you Macedonian??

          • Palo Alto

            You are Helene, Hellenisam is ideology like Buddhism. Athenian is ethnicity, Spartan is ethnicity, Macedonian is Ethnicity. Makes sense? I can read them too.

          • Athan Paris

            “To everyone of us it is clear that this entire thesis, this entire thesis for ethnogenesis from Macedonians, it isn’t so. Ancient Macedonians until today is founded on a series of mystifications and semi-historical truths which are emitted from Republic of Macedonia and that by using and abusing the media.[…] “Why do Skopjans not ask how much Dardanian blood there is in them[..] how much Thracian blood there is in them[…] how much Illyrian blood there is in them[…]how much Paeonian blood there is in them.[…]I do not see anyone of us get into a fight over the amount of Paeonian blood in us, or God forbid, Dardinian one?[…]Ancient Macedonia does not match with today’s Macedonia at all.[…]Ancient Macedonia, we must clarify it once, is literally in entirety in today’s Greece.[…] If we are looking at ethnogenesis then we should open at another place. Therefore we should discuss how much we are Paeoneans. ” (Ljubco Georgievski, ex-Prime Minister of FYROM, FYROM A1 TV June 2009)

      • Starving Stavro

        Get lost Prosfig – go back to Asia where you belong.

    • Athan Paris

      Do you grasp that ancient and modern Vardarska Banovina are not the same regions? That ancient Macedonia is located physically in Greece? Do you grasp that FYROM nationalist used to freely self-identify as ethnic Bulgarians only a few decades ago? Do you grasp that state symbols are supposed to be protected under international law. Do you find it morally acceptable for leaders of a foreign nation to portray a neighbouring state as occupied?
      Instead of offering a shred of a shred of a rebuttal, you instead spout meaningless patronising babble. Hate rather than reason.

  • Goran Stavreski

    Russian history books are identical to those in Macedonia.
    It’s the fascists across Europe who are changing their books, something which started in the 1990’s and is continuing to this day.

  • LXV

    Here’s the best evidence in case someone had any doubts about why our “western strategic partners” cherish such a big hatred towards everything Macedonian and are putting such great efforts to destroy the Macedonian state, identity and culture!

    • Athan Paris

      State and identity and culture..???…pray tell…what the f**k are you talking about???…State-Failed state….Identity-You are trying to steal Greek identity….Culture-Mother Teresa and Joseph Broz Tito, and George W. Bush are your history and Culture…You are the biggest Pseudo state in the Europe, you have the biggest human rights abuses in the western world…You are brain washing your youth on propaganda from 1944 when you’re true name and identity was Vardarska Banovina and changed to “Macedonia” from Communist Dictator Tito to annex the real Macedonian territory in Greece. Can you come up with something credible and factual or are you going to spew the same propaganda?

      • Ice Teodosievski

        Ha ha ha, yours fascistic edukation could be funny, if it isn’t sad, real tragedies. The same thing with your knowledge from Germans romantic period and kings (the New Greek kingdom was German and steal IT is).Greek national fascistic have identical opinion like you Athan Paris……

      • Peter Kuriakos

        astuous ine treli oli tous

      • LXV

        You HellAss wieners can bitch and moan all you want, it doesn’t change your fascist history and the fact that “Makedonia” was a forbidden name in Yunanistan up until 1988. Maybe it has something to do with your c(o)untry’s genocide against the indigenous Macedonian population in Belomorska Makedonija during and after the “civil war” of 1946-49 and the subsequent nationalisation and confiscation of their property.
        Tell me HellAss boy, why does your nazi government forbid American, Canadian and Australian Citizens born in Aegean Macedonia from entering HellAss?
        All you have is lies backed up by the brute force of your Imperial handlers UK and USA. But, the time will come when this current empire will be no more and that will be the time when we will settle all the injustices you’ve committed against Macedonians, once and for all!

        • Palo Alto

          Preach brother!Nothing last forever exept Macedonian-Timeless

          • Athan Paris
          • LXV

            So, HellAss cunt, where on the colorful toilet paper that you posted does it say Makedonia? To you squeeky cunts Alexander is Megas, i.e. you refuse to call him by his family name, a tradition that is present with all regents to this very day (Prince of Wales, anyone?). How so, tough boy?

            Oh, BTW, I couldn’t stop laughing at the article that you provided a link to. Those are definitely your ancestors. As the article said “Graecopithecus are thought to have roamed Eastern Europe long after the other apes had vanished from the continent”, so having in mind how retarded HellAssians and Vulgars have remained to this very day, I can only concur with the archeologists’ conclusion…

          • Athan Paris

            well my retarded friend, you monkeydonians bring up the DNA issue all the time, including Identity and religion…how many years were you under the Turkish bed..?..far far longer than Greece-we had the courage to kick the Turks in the groin and free ourselves, we had our language and religion-we didn’t need to invent a language or create a new religion that is not even recognised by Orthodoxy…you are still bending over for the Turks..imagine, you try to equate regents and Royal families and Greece…what history do you have..?…Mother Teresa and Joseph Broz Tito and George W. Bush..?…you don’t even know where you come from, what language you speak, where your mother or father came from….Malaka…if you want to see the name Makedonia…come to Vergina or Pella…Phillipas is buried in Vergina..and the language is GREEK..not Slavonski, his armour has the inscription “Phillipas Vassilas “..King Phillip in GREEK..In Pella you can see the birth place of Alexandros, the ancient stones do not lie or are in Slavonski..they are written in GREEK…the Rosetta stone was written in Greek and Egyptian..not Slavonski…..you have shit for brains because you have been so far brain washed you can’t see the truth even if it hits you in the face..in your world the Olympic Games were not Greek they were Slavonski, the Olympic Gods were not Greek, they were Slavonski…Aristotle was not Greek he was Slavonski….every classical historian conveniently lied…and you and your monkeydonians are telling the truth?…are you so retarded??

          • Athan Paris

            The name dispute is between the FYROM, a country on the northern border of Greece that wants to becalled Macedonia, and Greece whose northern province was and is already called Macedonia. Prior to1944, the area that is now called the FYROM was part of Yugoslavia and was called Vardarska Banovina(Province -of the river- Vardar). It was in 1944 that Marshal Joseph Broz Tito, the communist dictatorruling then-Yugoslavia, created Yugoslavia’s southern republic and called it “People’s Republic of Macedonia” for purely political and expansionist reasons. In ancient times, the land that Macedoniacovered included the northern province of Greece (about 80%), a small part of Bulgaria (about 5%), asmall part of Albania (about 5%), and a small part of the region that Tito named the Socialist Republic of Macedonia (about 10%). It is pertinent to note that this 10% of ancient Macedonia in Tito’s People’sRepublic of Macedonia (
            which is now the FYROM
            ) is only 1/5 of this Republic’s area while the other4/5 was actually from Slavic Yugoslavia. The sole purpose of the creation of the Socialist Republic underthe name “Macedonia” was the eventual claim and incorporation of the Macedonia province of Greeceinto communist Yugoslavia, with the port of Thessaloniki as the trophy.Then
            Secretary of State E. Stettinius
            dispatched U.S. State Dep. Foreign Relations Vol. VII, CircularAirgram [868.014], on December 26th 1944, to all consular officials, informing them of the act to create aseparate “Macedonia” as a “cloak for aggression against Greece.” “The Department has noted with considerable apprehension increasing propaganda rumors and semi-official statements in favor of an autonomous Macedonia emanating from Bulgaria, but also from Yugoslav partisan and other sources with the implication that Greek territory would be included in the projected State.
            This Government considers talk of “Macedonian Nation”, “Macedonian Fatherland”, or “Macedonian National Consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic or political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece”

          • LXV

            You’re wasting your time if you think you’re gonna convince anyone with your copy-pasted official fascist state propaganda. Though. I’d like to correct you on the very first thing you wrote, that it was the Romans fault. I beg to differ; as usual, it was Macedonians’ fault that they existed. Philip and Alexander also share a piece of that fault, because they should’ve slaughtered and enslaved every last one of your miserable tribe. That’s how it works in life, you help a blind man see and then he wants to take your eyes out…

          • Athan Paris

            trouble with pseudophiles like yourself is you can not except TRUTH..it hurts, I know, you have no history, no country, no national Identity, no basis for being Slavic, since you speak Bulgarian..pray tell LXV..WTF are you going to do when your pseudo country is partitioned, or cantons are set up being controlled by Albanian, Bulgarian, and Serbian entities.?…You think Putin will come and rescue you???…you dumb clown…you will come begging to Greece to take you in-even with your Bulgarian passport…You have to come to grips with it mate…you are going to be part of a small note in real history where you and your pseudo clowns tried to rewrite history, to become human beings..but ..you are more Martian than Macedonian…EVERYONE knows this..and there will always be more like me that will make sure that false propaganda state sponsored bullsh*t from clowns like you will be proved false and criminal…whatever they are paying you from the propaganda ministry is way to much…

          • Athan Paris

            It makes me laugh and I shake my head at some of your stupid comments based on fire place stories and myths from your so called scholars-which would be considered quacks outside your pseudo country…But why am I arguing with your propaganda?…soon you will have a new name with new borders and then we can be friends..just get used to the TRUTH, instead of the brain washing and retarded pseudo history…

          • LXV

            You need not worry about Macedonians, instead keep on sucking German Ashkenazi cock and be a good debt slave goy, mmkay?

          • Peter Kuriakos

            This is why I don’t bother with sheep

          • Palo Alto

            So what this supposed to mean! Your strive to get back your old currency? I have said it many many times that history is for everyone!

          • Athan Paris

            Greek history is NOT for sale, the currency dates to 1954, so much for the BS comments about not being mention of Macedonia and Alexander in Greek heritage..Proof….not fake news…not garbage links or Sites

          • Palo Alto

            Macedonian as separate entity within Yugoslavia exists for 71 year. So? Only in your twisted Nazi-Fascist world view one would possess the audacity to think that you can hold monopoly over a historic figures or names while we are at it! Grow the f up. You have nothing to be proud of in this day and age coz you are persevering with hand me downs from eu so you have to cling to ,,your” History like blood sucking tick.

          • LXV

            So, it’s true that you HellAss people are really stupid, but persistent! You’ve learned 3 sentences that you can keep on repeating ad nauseum, regardless of the facts and counter-evidence that the other part is presenting.

            You keep on babbling about Philip and Alexander pointing to the archeological findings in Kutlesh, but “forget” to mention when and how the Zionist keychain HellAss became ruler of Aegean Macedonia (1913, after the 2nd Balkan War). If what you’re daydreaming of is true and the Royal House of Makedon really is a part of your African tribe, then why does Livius write that 30 000 of your ancient “Greeks” (Athenians, Korinthians) fought against Philip and Alexander with Darius III’s Persian army at Is in Asia Minor (after their lands were conquered by the same Alexander (during the reign of Philip) at Graniccus?


          • Athan Paris

            The same stupidity always from the same brain washed fools..The problem enters with the Romans who established an administrative province of Macedonia which included the territory previously known as Paionia. See the “Letter to Obama” at macedonia-evidence.org. When the Slavs entered the Balkans in the 6th century after Christ, they took over an artificial Macedonia. Since then, it has been possible to justify a Slavic Macedonia which would be the equivalent of FYROM, but there is absolutely no ancient basis for such a country.

            Tito’s goal was to annex the real Macedonia and thus have access to the Aegean, and that is why school children in Skopje are provided with maps that show the “real Macedonia” extending to Mt. Olympus. You surely know the statement by U.S. Secretary of State, Edward S. Stettinius, in 1944 ” . . . this government considers the talk of a Macedonian ‘nation,’ Macedonian ‘fatherland,’ or Macedonian “national consciousness” to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic or political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive actions against Greece.”

            I am not competent to speak to the issue of archaeological evidence for a Slav Macedonia, but I am sure that there is evidence of Slavs in “Macedonia” as of about 580 A.D. Here at Nemea we have clear evidence and it also exists at, for example, Athens and Corinth and Argos) of the Slavic invasions of ca. A.D. 580. Does that mean that I should think of “Slavic Nemea”? But there is a difference — the Slavs went through Nemea, but they stayed and set up their homes in Serbia

          • Athan Paris

            The letter of Alexander the Great to Darius is a mere proof of the Hellenic Identity of Macedonians.
            Your ancestors invaded
            Macedonia and the rest of Greece

            Makedonian kai eis tênallên Hellada
            and did
            great harm

            had done them no prior injury […] I have been appointed hegemon
            of the Greeks
            Followed by an apparent demonstration of their Hellenic identity and Cause during Alexander’s speech to his army. Simultaneously we have a clear distinction between Greeks and the Foreign elements of Alexander’s army.
            There are Greek troops, to be sure, in Persian service — but how different is their cause from ours ! They will be fighting for pay— and not much of it at that;
            WE on thecontrary shall fight for Greece ( “
            tous de xyn sfisin yper tis Ellados ekontasamynomenous”)
            , and our hearts will be in it
            . As for our
            (“barbarwn te”)
            troops —Thracians, Paeonians, Illyrians,Agrianes
            — they are the best and stoutest soldiers of Europe.

        • Athan Paris
          • Athan Paris

            Malaka..LXV…..read the date…you make me laugh…In a few months you will all have Bulgarian Passports…your pseudo country will be partitioned between Albania, Serbia, and Bulgaria, and the new name will be “Central Balkan republic”..or Vardar Republic….No more Monkeydonia…-From a real Macedonian…MACEDONIA THREE THOUSAND YEARS GREEK!!

        • Athan Paris
          • Athan Paris

            What were you saying about DNA…?…Malaka..!

      • Ice_Arrows

        “But the revival was only for a time, and, in spite of Greek struggles, at the end of the tenth century Sclavonians formed almost the entire population of Macedonia, Epirus, continental Greece and the Peloponnese…….It was during these centuries, that what remained, if indeed anything remained, of even degenerate Hellenic blood absorbed or was absorbed into that of the Slav……Indeed, the Albanians appear to have done for Greece in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries something like that which that Sclavonians had done in the sixth and seventh….They number about 200,000 souls; and within a greater part of the districts occupied by Albanians at the present day the Greeks have been as completely expelled as the Celtic race in England by the Saxon. Unlike the Greek, for him the bonds of nationality are stronger than those of religion…..to assert that a Greek Christian is a Hellene is as reasonable as to call all Roman Catholics Italians; and to claim a Slav or Albanian as a Hellene because he speaks Greek, is much the same as calling an educated Russian French, or an Irishman English, because they prefer French or English to their own less developed languages.” (A Monthly Review – Greece, Spoilt Child of Europe)

        • Athan Paris

          Utter rubbish

      • Ice_Arrows

        “Until 1821, Greeks knew that there had once been a Christian empire with its capital at Constantinople, but they did not think of it as a Greek empire, and they certainly didn’t call it the Byzantine Empire.” (Katerina Zacharia, Hellenisms)

        “…Philhellehism was a sort of social disease, caused by hallucinations and the by the illusion of finding in the present mongrel inhabitants of Morea and Attica the descendants of the ancient Hellenes. Subsequent contact of Greece with Europe has already considerably modified these ideas, as the modern Greek begins to pass for what he is: a semi-barbarian, a not yet cultivated citizen, and already a spoilt savage……Our classical recollections will have been proved a fallacy…only because they inhiabit a soil where the Parthenon was built.” (Baron Augustus Jochmus, The Syrian War and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire)

        • Athan Paris

          More propaganda rubbish

        • Athan Paris

          These pseudo-Macedonians clearly overlooked the unquestionable fact that the inhabitants of ancient Macedonia were Hellenes and spoke the Hellenic language. Numerous excavations in all of the ancient Macedonia the ancient Macedonia area have consistently unearthed relics clearly with Hellenic writings and depictions of rulers clearly designated with Hellenic names

      • Ice_Arrows

        Well they may not be having as much as luck as the inhabitants of modern day Greece magically becoming all “Greeks”, when in 1630 in was written: “Now many ages fince the Greek Tongue is not only impaired, and pitifully degenerated in her purity… the Slavonic Tongue hath abolished her in Epire and Macedon…” (Source: “Epistolae Ho-Elianae:Familiar letters” by James Howell, 10th edition, 1737).

        • Athan Paris

          In September of 1991, this republic declared independence from Yugoslavia and named itself “Republic of Macedonia”. They designed a new flag with the Sun of Vergina at its center and printed new currency with the White Tower of Thessaloniki, symbols clearly from the northern province of Greece. Because of these actions and also because of certain articles in their constitution, which implied that their country had territorial rights to all of the ancient Macedonian area, Greece imposed a trade embargo and prevented any trade commerce through Greece’s northern border. Greece reluctantly lifted the trade embargo when the FYROV redesigned and accepted a new flag, stopped the issuance of the new currency with the depiction of the White Tower of Thessaloniki, and passed amended articles to their constitution implying that they have no territorial rights outside their present boundaries. Greece, however, continued to object to their use of the name Macedonia. Because of this objection, the United Nations accepted this nation asa new member with the temporary name of “the Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (the FYROV)” (UN Resolutions #817 of April 7 and #845 of June 18, 1993) until a permanent solution to the name is found.
          However, their deliberate and systematic campaign of distortion, stealing and absorption of the history and ethnicity of the ancient Macedonians has intensified and is ongoing today with full and untiring strength. Although officially this country is known as the FYROM, through a vigorous campaign they have managed to contrive the world to call it “Macedonia” in common day usage disregarding the UN resolutions. The Internet and mass-communications have made it easy for them to do this and they have used these tools to create a flood of misinformation.

  • LXV

    @MINA A small correction: It should say “literacy”, not “literature”
    письменность = писменост = literacy

  • Ice_Arrows

    ‘Mediating the Nation: News, audiences and the policies of identities’ by Mirca Madianou:
    “the refugees [whom settled in Macedonia] could hardly speak Greek and many had been reluctant to leave their lands and homes where they had lived for generations… Although refugees from asia minor are referred to as a single group in fact they came from from various cultural, linguistic, social and regional backgrounds… [it has been] documented how mainland Greeks often often call the refugees ‘Turks’ or ‘Turkish seeds’ ” (Page 31)
    “Herzfeld quotes a Cretan historian, Prevelakis, who noted that the ‘Turkish’ flavour of the market street actually intensified when the refugees replaced the muslims. Van Boeschoten, writing about the Macedonian context, Macedonia being where most refugees actually settled, points out that the LOCAL Slav speakers refer to the arrival of the refugees as the time when ‘THE UNBAPTIZED TURKS LEFT AND THE BAPTISED TURKS CAME’ ” (Page 32)
    From the London Quarterly Review (1854):
    “It is surprising how much ignorance is shown in regard to the nationality [of the Greeks] if we may use the term, of the Greeks-and by the Greeks we mean such as speak Greek tongue, profess the Oriental or Greek faith, and claim descendant from the ancient Greeks… We have shown the the real Greeks .. , form a very small portion of the population of Turkey in Europe, In most important provinces, in Bosnia, Bulgaria, Servia, Thrace, and even MACEDONIA, there are scarcely any Greeks at all… ” (Page 275)

    • Athan Paris

      Bullsh*t comments and propaganda from FYROV uneducated pseudo historians…the truth hurts…(1) the original goal of annexation of the real Macedonia for purposes of access to the Aegean are still at the base of the “Macedonian” efforts. See, for example, the coffee that is sold in Skopje under the label of “Pella.” Where is Pella located? And why is there a sailing ship as the logo of that coffee? The implications are clear.

      (2) More fundamental and more difficult to deal with is the issue of stolen identity. The people – I do not know them but I imagine – want an identity. We all do. Theirs is stolen, and they know it, but they cannot give up Alexander and replace him with Patraos, one of the kings of Paionia who is a part of their real heritage, their real identity. If you live with a stolen identity, you have problems which often take the form of aggressive defensiveness. I believe that the people of Skopje need Education, and a willingness to be proud of the ancestors who are actually theirs. But they are not unique in that need.-Professor Stephen Miller from the University of California and one of the world’s leading archaeology scholars …Honestly you must stop quoting your own bullsh*t pseudo scholars who are big propagandists for Grueveski, and have nothing what so ever to do with actual history

    • Athan Paris

      The Archaeological Evidence.

      [1] Pella Katadesmos
      Pella curse tablet
      is a curse or magic spell (Greek: κατάδεσμος,
      )inscribed on a lead scroll, dating to the 4th or 3rd century BC. It was found in Pella(at the time capital of Macedon) in 1986 and published in the
      Hellenic Dialectology
      Journal in 1993. It is possibly the only attested text in the ancient Macedonian language (O.Masson).It is a magic spell or love charm written by a woman, possibly named
      , whose lover
      (i.e. “Voice of Dionysus“) is apparently about to marry
      (i.e.“she who honors the gods”; the standard Attic form would be
      ). She invokes“Makron and the demons” (
      parkattithemai makrōni kai [tois] daimosi
      , Attic would be


      Arrian, “The Indica” XXXIII

  • Ice_Arrows

    And here come the hellenized arvanites-turk drones…

    • Athan Paris

      I do not know the archaeological origins of Skopje. But one might look at the site of Stobi which was an important center during the Roman period, and has many remains of Christian – Orthodox churches. “Avaro-Slavic invasions in the 6th century ruined the city’s economy and infrastructure.” In other words, the arrival of the Slavs in ancient Paionoia (= FYROM) was a sharp and clear break with the past. Any claim to connections with Macedonia before the 6th century after Christ are without foundation. Indeed, they are lies. – Stephan Miller