“У нас офицерский подарок”: Путин приехал поздравить своего экс-начальника по работе в Дрездене с 90-летним юбилеем и Днем Победы pic.twitter.com/uoiR0DXbs8
— Дмитрий Смирнов (@dimsmirnov175) May 8, 2017
This morning, Russian president Vladimir Putin surprised 90 year old Lazar Matveev, his former KGB boss in Dresden (East Germany) by showing up at his doorstep to celebrate his birthday.
Matveev couldn’t hide his joy at the sight. Putin was accompanied by two more former KGB agents who spent time together in Dresden and current bosses of Transneft and Rostex, Nikolay Tokarev and Sergey Chemezov.
The 90 year old Matveev was thanked for his long time service to the country, was gifted a presidential watch and a 1927 copy of Pravda, the year Matveev was born.
The residents of Zulebin, a Moscow suburb where Matveev lives, were ecstatic when they found out Putin is in their neighborhood.