Russia sends Submarine-hunting Frigate to Syrian coastline


Russia is deploying a dedicated anti-ship and anti-submarine frigate to Syrian waters as part of a general re-mobilization of its naval strength in the Mediterranean sea.

The Russian warship, a Krivak II-class frigate (vessel Pytlivy 868), was photographed (picture below) by Bosphorus-based sources in transit from the Black Sea into the eastern Mediterranean where all reports concur it will join formation with other Russian Navy vessels just off the Syrian coastline.

Krivak II-class frigate specializes in the hunting down of other enemy warships and submarines with guided missiles; the attack vessel also possess a respectable air defense suite.

The deployment comes amid heightened tensions between Russia and the United States over the Syrian conflict.

Recently, the US threatened to conduct new strikes against Syrian government forces; the Russian military in turn responded by vowing to destroy US warplanes and or warships that carried out any such attack.

Whether or not even more Russian Navy warships will be deployed to Syrian waters is yet to be seen.