– Today at 10am a book of mourning was opened in memory of the dead in Kemerovo. The next week, according to the Christian tradition, on the ninth day after the tragic death of our people, we will hold a prayer at the church of St. Arkhangel in Avtokomanda – lthis is how the Russian ambassador began today’s press conference, after which he asked those present for a minute of silence to honor the dead.
– We categorically reject unfounded allegations that have zero evidence, namely London’s accusations contained in the column of British Ambassador Charles Garrett published in the “Independent Journal” about Russia’s involvement in the assassination of Sergei and Julia Skripal, as well as the lives of others people. We are continually calling on London to conduct a joint and comprehensive investigation into the tragedy. – said the Russian ambassador to Macedonia, Oleg Shcherbak.
Unfortunately, the British authorities, contrary to all legal and international norms, ethics and every framework of common sense, refuse co-operation with Russia, choosing a political and propaganda war for demonization of Russia without showing any evidence, explained Shcherbak, adding that this has lead to raising of tensions and a demonstration of force near the Russian borders.
“On the basis of blackmail, brutal political pressure with calls for Euro-Atlantic solidarity, insinuated ungrounded expulsion of Russian diplomats from a number of countries, as well as announced a complete set of measures against the Russian state”
“With great regret, Macedonia was swallowed into this hysteria, they fell under the influence of these hostile steps against Russia. They fell back on London’s calls to “trust them”, and at the expense of our bilateral relations, a hasty decision was made to expel our diplomat, “the ambassador explained.
The behavior of the British authorities is also opening up a large number of issues, the ambassador explains, adding that even the British do not know exactly what is happening in the Salisbury case. The investigation also violates the most basic human rights.
“Information about the secret laboratories of the UK chemical weapons facility in Porton Down, which is located just a few miles from Salisbury, where chemical weapons have been produced, ‘Novichok’ mega-killer under the code A-234, ‘are also being kept secret, the ambassador stated.
The public also hides data that in that region before the poisoning of Skripal, a training called “toxic karma” was held, in which events were conducted during chemical and biological pollution.
Unless evidence is provided about the assassination of Scripal, our citizens will then consider this a military provocation of the United Kingdom, which is used in propaganda purposes for provoking anti-Russian hysteria. The ambassador recalled that the British side is obliged to provide evidence and support these claims.
The ambassador also reveals that the Macedonian authorities did not want to provide any evidence of the alleged spying work of the expelled ambassador, assessing the MFA’s move as an unprecedented move in the history of the Russian-Macedonian relations, and thus the first hostile step that Macedonia undertook.
“The Russian Federation is a permanent member of the UNSC in the United Nations, and is responsible for its international and bilateral relations. Our country has deep roots in diplomacy and international relations, and we are not in a hurry in the decisions and our steps. International practice in diplomacy, the expulsion of a diplomat presents a serious and hostile step, and we will take appropriate countermeasures.
“Our position is not new at all. This attitude of our Macedonian colleagues has been presented many times here in Macedonia and as ambassador, I have repeatedly expressed this attitude. Therefore, all attempts to make our warnings interpreted as some threats at the address of the Republic of Macedonia are completely fake and they know it.”
“NATO is the only political-military bloc in the world, a real rudiment and a Cold War instrument with a very strict bloc discipline hiding behind Euro-Atlantic values. The NATO Alliance is guilty of the onset of many aggressive wars that have killed millions of people. Recall the destruction of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen. With its military doctrine, NATO and the Alliance’s leadership, the United States officially and publicly declared the Russian Federation an enemy, “said the Ambassador, adding,” How can we welcome the efforts of Macedonia to get into NATO and turn it into a military infrastructure base for stationing offensive military troops of this Alliance.
For their part, as responsible citizens of your country, you should consider that after joining NATO, you will become part of NATO’s military machinery, and if NATO’s aggression against Russia is going to happen you will be the target of a massive return strike. Do you need it for you and your children? “- asks the Ambassador.
This is how the Russian Ambassador ended his press conference. Lavrov back in 2014 stated the CIA plan is to weaken and even split Macedonia between Albania and Bulgaria. People laughed, until 2017 when the Tirana platform was introduced during psycho and former CIA head John Brennan’s stay in Tirana during his last days in office.
THe Kremlin has warned Romania who placed the US Aegis system at home that should there be an offensive strike against Russia from Romanian territory, Moscow would turn their country into dust. To this end, the Turks have already greatly limited the Americans use of their military base in Incirblik, so much so, the US have already started moving their planes to Jordan.
Germany due to their ‘experience’ with Russia would never allow the US to place rockets on their territory, despite the US having dozens of bases there. Bulgaria and Greece would also never allow the US to store offensive weapons aimed at Russia.
That leaves one country with strategic location lead by a criminal junta both in Government and opposition who would sign on any dotted line.
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