Russian comedians mock Zaev – call him pretending to be NATO’s Stoltenberg


Enjoy this international walking disaster named Zoran Zaev. Russian comics Vovan and Lexus have a field day with Zaev, first making him reveal sensitive security information while introducing themselves as NATO’s Gen Sec Jens Stoltenberg.

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But they weren’t done, in another phone call, the Russian comics introduced themselves as Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko, who convince Zaev to pay
Bartholomew I the current Archbishop of Constantinople $100,000 in bribe to recognize Macedonia’s church as independent – “That money is no problem” responds Zaev. They also convince him to give up the cell phones of multiple high ranking diplomats which Zaev does with ease.

“Poroshenko” tells Zaev that present day Ukraine was governed by Alexander the Great, and Ukrainians might be related to Macedonians… Zaev responds that he read the same thing and that history will unite Macedonians and Ukrainians.

Yep, this degenerate is in charge of a country….