Russian ‘face slapping’ championship will leave you faceless


The ‘male slapping championships’, an eye-watering new sport originating in Siberia, Russia, which sees men open-palm striking each other into submission, has proved a huge hit online – and has to be seen to be believed.
The brutal championships were held at the Siberian Power Show 2019 in Krasnoyarsk, and required each competitor to simply slap their opponent standing on the other side of the table into submission.

Surprisingly, it featured no shortage of slap-happy sluggers eager to test their strength on each other’s cheeks.

The bizarre annual contest was eventually won by bearded hulk Vasily Kamotskiy, a 370-pound local weightlifter who had delivered a series of knockout blows to his opponents on the way to winning the coveted title.

A video of Kamotskiy’s exploits, along with some of the best hits and knockouts from the event, has since gone viral online, shocking viewers who responded in either fits of laughter or just paling shock from countries as far as Nigeria, Denmark, the Netherlands, India, and the US.

Social media users begged for the sport to be included int he Olympics. Other, more political-savvy watchers, commented that such a system would be a welcome alternative to presidential debates.