A Russian nuclear-powered submarine has slipped through Great Britain’s defense perimeter unseen and reached the Irish port of Cork, successfully carrying out a complex operation to record targets and weaknesses of the British Navy.
If the incident had taken place during a time of war, the Russian submarine could have leveled British cities and closed the remaining British ships in their ports.
During the operation, the Russian submarine was accompanied, as it turned out later, by a civilian vessel. It was probably a cloaked Russian SIGINT-ELINT intelligence gathering vessel that scanned the surface and provided some sort of cover for the Russian submarine to avoid detection.
And that’s because the Russian submarine was spotted with a long delay off the coast of Ireland while nobody knows for sure how long it remained hidden in specific area.
Cork Harbor has been a strategic defense hub for centuries.
Cork Harbor is a natural harbor at the mouth of the River Lee in County Cork, home to the port and headquarters of the Irish Maritime Service.
“The submarine (ss when spotted) was outside the 12-mile limit, so it did not break any international law, but military sources said similar incidents off the Irish coast are becoming more common” report British media.
The described incident happened six months ago. British military sources said the Russians were probing Britain’s defense systems as they realize London is vulnerable on its western side.
“The Irish Navy does not have sonar on the two ships still operating, which means they cannot detect the submarines” the same British sources say.
Didn’t the British spot it?
The Russian submarine was accompanied by a ship registered in Russia as a civilian and research vessel. As it was later revealed, the Russian vessel was carrying out “surface surveillance” operations.
This ship raised the suspicion of the Irish military, but they themselves were unable to verify their submarine theory. That’s why they asked for reinforcements.
A helicopter was immediately dispatched and dropped sonar equipment into the water. The operation lasted several hours.
A little later, an anti-submarine frigate of the British Royal Navy was sent to monitor the movement of the Russian submarine.
As a result of these movements, it was confirmed that the Russian Navy submarine was there, but had already left the area.