Samsonenko suddenly announces he is quitting Vardar


Russian-Macedonian investor and owner of Macedonian football and handball champion Vardar came to an abrupt end this morning.
In a letter released to the press, Samsonenko stated he was very surprised to read the media attacks on him over the ticket prices for the upcoming clash between Vardar – Fenerbahce, whose prices equaled those of the UEFA Super Cup between Real Madrid and Manchester United, starting a 30 euors/ticket.

In his letter, Samsonenko says this will be his last season as an investor in the the football and handball clubs.
In addition, Samsonenko has ordered refunds to all who paid 30-45 euros/ticket, and announced new prices of 5 euros for the entire stadium.

Considering Vardar is the reigning European champion in handball, and is on the door to qualify for the Europa group stage, it is somewhat strange that Samsonenko (who is also a Macedonian citizen), came about this decision based on a complaint by fans over ticket prices, which they had the right to do.

Is it really all about ticket prices?

One has to take into account that after marionette Zaev was installed in office, just two weeks later Samsonenko announced he will become a sponsor in one Russia’s largest clubs, CSKA Moskva.

Previously, the SDS has publicly stated they are against any Russian investments in the country, with waitress Shekerinska announcing the same just three days ago. It’s the same anti-Russian idiocy tape that has swept most of the western world. How crazy things are at home was confirmed by the fact the SDS was advised by the US Embassy through Mitko Burchevski to stop the celebration and welcoming of HC Vardar as the European champion because “any patriotism is unwelcomed”. The Embassy was worried the joy of Macedonians and the display of patriotism could possibly turn them into replacing the SDS. Lunatics are indeed paranoid.

This is just a speculation on my part, however, Samsonenko’s move is not surprising at all. He is aware he will be targeted by Zaev and his racketeers very quickly, and quite cleverly used the alleged ‘negative’ discussion of the ticket prices as an escape module. Keep in mind the SDS brought in a law last week for ‘asset seizure’ which can target anyone for pretty much no reason at all. The law makes as much sense as the language law that allows an ethnic albanian judge to speak albanian when the defendant and prosecutor are Macedonians.

What Samsonenko is simply doing at this point is, leave a sinking ship called Macedonia, soon to be renamed.
Lastly, here is the reaction from Macedonia’s Minister of Culture!?

  • Julius Caesar

    Sergyei Samsonenko is a jew operating in Macedonia as a spy for the israeli MOSSAD and for Soros’s account. He is the one who started to promote ( in a very mild way ) the “multiculturalism” in Macedonia by importing Arabo-African footballers for “Vardar “. He also pretends to be an Orthodox Christian and even became a “ktitor” of the “Sveta Troica” Church in Aerodrom. He is a liar and a criminal . Together with Mrs Berta Nikolic, jewess, the jewish “community” in Macedonia ( community that counts 2 jews altogether ) Samsonenko intended to create a future ” activity cell” for Mossad and the dark forces – ( OPERACIJA MOJSIJE). BEWARE !!

    Samsonenko is a predecessor of what is coming, in order to prepare the preliminary operatons.

    There are persistant longtime rumours ( since 1967 exactly) that israeli jews want to “move” from israel in another country.

    After the 6 -day war with Egypt in 1967, israel suddenly found itself surrounded with hostile muslim States, especially Iran, Syria and Egypt. Moreover, the lack of water ressources was, and still is, israel’s burning problem. The only solution was: move out of israel. So the jewish seach for better land begun. They chose Jugoslavija. An old and dying president, disputes and conflictual relationships among the nations, inter -ethnic tensions, unstable politics, thiefs in the Governement, country rich with water, mountains, fertile lands, mines with gold, bauxite, iron , beautiful lakes, the Jadran sea … ideal land to be conquered, but people had to be chased… So they put Ante Markovic on place, to destroy the dinar and the whole economy system .. The rest of the story is well known to you. Everything has been done and they are still doing – to make us dissapear in every possible way. Serbia, the heart of the IOrthodoxy on the Balkans is a special target; Macedonia, too, because of its geostrategical position.

    Wars, uranium bombing, poverty, hunger, what’s next ? IMMIGRATION. They bring immigrants which will become their soldiers to chase us. You don’t believe me ?

    Read this:

    This is a link that explains almost everything. Except, this is not only for Serbia, but for the whole Yougoslavia. Zaev is their most important element.

    PLEASE SHARE THE LINK AND DOWNLOAD IT. Thank you and good luck !!

    • Billy

      Get off the meds buddy 🙂

      • Julius Caesar

        Your comment has no interest. Samsonenko is a jew and becoming a ktitor is one of the ways for him to gain the trust of the people. Stupid you.

    • Julius Caesar

      Just to add: Tito found out that some of the high Officers in the JNA ( Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija) — all of them Belgrade jews, were preparing a military putch.They were faster than him, left Jugoslavija and installed themselfs in israel … taking with them all valuable military informations. I am repeating, the jews have been intending to “free” the Jugoslav territory out of its 22 million population, to create a new israel.