Barry Coldwater took the day off from his busy job as a construction foreman and was about to stretch out on the couch when he was reminded how great it would be to work on projects for his wife all day.
“We’ve got a leaking sink, a dirty rain gutter, and those shelves aren’t going to hang themselves,” said loving wife Charlotte Coldwater. “These need to be taken care of right now. There is literally no time in the future this can wait for.”
The happily married man reportedly jumped up with a smile. “Sure thing, babe,” he said. “Happy to be a part of the team!”
Sources confirm that while the man happily went about his work Charlotte watched over his shoulder to make sure he did everything correctly.
“He’s a good worker,” said Charlotte. “But you gotta’ stay on him or he’ll try and relax and forget about the stress of his other job. Not on my watch!”
The couple broke for lunch at noon, but Barry only got twenty minutes to himself before he was asked to rearrange all the furniture in their house for no reason.
When asked how he felt about his second job toiling away for his wife’s every whim Barry told reporters, “It’s fine.”
Charlotte Coldwater confirmed she was disappointed that her husband had to go back to work the next day. “His other job really gets in the way of us spending time together, but I’m working on some surprise weekend plans,” she said. “He’s going to build a gazebo.”