SDS attorney advocates violence against Gruevski in Budapest


SDS attorney and advisor to the illegal SPO office Aleksandar Tortevski in a TV debate openly called for the Government in Macedonia to “send a message” to Gruevski in Budapest, calling for violence against the former Prime Minister.

We don’t know whether this was an accidental slip up, however for someone who holds the title as “Advisor to Special Prosecution Office”, to say this is extremely shocking, even for Macedonia. Once again, Tortevski is an advisor to the SPO office which sent Gruevski to jail via a dubious trial.

If this was an effort by Zaev’s criminal junta to ensure Gruevski receives a political asylum and personal security, then certainly mission accomplished.
On the other hand, Tortevski, with his statement calling for violence against a former prime minister on TV may soon face criminal charges himself.