SDS hires 350 new policemen to assist with fabricating elections


SDS Minister of Interior removed 350 policemen over the weekend and replaced them with party activists and policemen recommended by the SPO.

Their primary job will be to exert pressure on residents during the upcoming local elections on October 15th, as well as staffing ballot boxes. The number of new policemen hired whose main qualification is their SDS party membership will reach 500 by the end of the week, reports Kurir.

Meanwhile, as a distraction to the treasonous activity, SDS activists have set the entire country on fire. After Makedonski Brod, areas around Skopje, Prilep, Gevgelija and Kavadarci have been set on fire. According to InfoMax, this is intended as a distraction from the introduction of bilingualism. In Matka, north of Skopje, tourists took photos of a man setting the hills on fire. Police has allegedly arrested the man in the photo, however social media activists quickly pointed to the fact police released him the same day without unveiling his identity.

  • Its Just Me

    Finally, the job creation Zae(ba)v was promissing!!! 🙂

  • Its Just Me

    Our own very first mafia state. I hope he introduces death penalty soon, just like in Turkey. If he tries to jail masses of people, what is really the difference between the autocracy in Turkey and Macedonia? And, saying that, on these grounds Turkey will not be a candidate to EU anymore (cause its against the EU pure -so proud of, human whatever but “double” European principles), and we will get in EU, on the same principles. Slap-Slap EU and your double standards, I hope you dissolve soon

  • R_U_Jhoking

    In a Hitleresque move he will start kicking out the Macedonians and starting filling the country with the Master race (ubermenshen). Ps he is already doing this.