As of today, March 1, a month before the official start of the country’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, the State Statistical Office’s online census surveys is accessible to the Macedonian diaspora community. Employees in the country’s diplomatic and consular missions abroad and their family members will also be counted. To this end, DUI criminal Artan Grubi sent out the following invite:
What is not being reported is that the website and its data for the illegitimate census registration and operation will be managed by a Bulgarian firm called Scalefocus. Read this again, the census contract of the country’s most vital data was given to an IT firm from Bulgaria who is at the moment blocking Macedonia’s EU negotiations.
This means, in conjunction with the SDSM junta, IT operatives out of Sofia can tweak the stats as they see fit (similarly to what the SEC did during the previous elections).
Meanwhile, the DPNE continues to pretend being busy and “collect” signatures against the census, while the SDSM has pretty much set up all of its operations for the upcoming fake census.