SDSM’s Fake News #9,385: Macedonia will get most sophisticated covid19 therapy


Macedonia’s Health Minister Venko Filipce is dizzy, but looking healthier after weekend’s car crash with his mistress. Today Filipce announced during his presser that Macedonia “will” get the most sophisticated Covid19 therapy. Emphasis on the word “will”.

Venko Filipce, just like his brethren at SDSM (Zaev, Pendarovski, Sekerinska, Shilegov, Carovska…) are like factories for fake news. Literally, and without exception, every word they utter is a lie.

Here is a list of SDSM’s lies only in the past three months:

Filipce: Macedonia will get 200,000 vaccines by the end of November.

Filipce: Macedonia will get 100,000 vaccines by end of December.

Filipce: Macedonia will get vaccines sometime in February, I can’t give numbers they’re a secret.

Filipce: Macedonia (likely in Junvember) will get some super duper Covid19 therapy that no-one else has.

Sekerinska: We could have gotten vaccines the first in the world, but needed to make sure they are safe first.

This is why Macedonia has managed to keep all of its astronauts safe and sound. It’s thanks to Sekerinska’s outside-the-box thinking.

Zaev: Bulgaria is donating 10,000 vaccines in December.

Zaev: Serbia is donating 8,000 vaccines in January. <– Serbian Govt: Macedonia’s Govt doesn’t have the know-how to purchase vaccines.