Serbia arrests man planning attack during Putin’s visit


Security forces arrested a man in the Serbian city of Novi Pazar for planning a terrorist attack on the Russian President during Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belgrade.

21-year-old Armin A. is a member of a Wahhabi group called Dava Tim Centar, according to several Serbian media reports. Wahhabism is an ultra-conservative, specifically Saudi-Islamic scholarly tradition of Sunni Islam, which, massively funded by Saudi funds, has found many followers in the Balkan countries in recent decades.

According to the Serbian daily Alo, Armin A. is suspected of having planned a terrorist attack during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia. Putin comes to Belgrade Thursday at the invitation of his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic.

The suspect was under surveillance was and stopped in Novi Pazar. “He was carrying a rucksack enclosing a rifle with a riflescope and several knives,” the Serbian daily Blic quotes an unnamed source from police circles.

Chemicals found for making explosive devices

During the search of his family house officials found, among other things, an IS flag and propaganda material of the terrorist organization. In addition, in the attic of the house, they found, “certain chemicals” and objects which can also be used for the construction of explosive devices.

The investigation will now clarify whether he was working up a detonator and what he had planned exactly. According to the media report, the Serbian security services have long had information that he belongs to a radical Islamist movement that is said to be active in the region around the city of Novi Pazar (around 70,000 inhabitants).

He is also in contact with men who are said to have planned a trip to Syria.

Armin A. has already been interrogated by the police, accused of illegal production, possession, and carrying of weapons and explosives.